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C3 消费者行为理论
C3 消费者行为理论 消费者选择和消费者行为的基本原则 主要内容 效用论概述 无差异曲线 商品的边际替代率 消费者的预算线 消费者的均衡 消费者的需求曲线 消费者剩余 有关消费者行为的基本概念 Need, Want, and Demands Value, Satisfaction, and Quality Sources: Philip Kotler Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing(9th). Need, Want, and Demands Human needs are states of felt deprivation. They include: basic physical needs for food, clothing, warmth, and safety; social needs for belonging and affection; and individual needs for knowledge and self-expression. Need, Want, and Demands Wants are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual personality. People have almost unlimited wants but limited resources. Thus, they want to choose products that provide the most value and satisfaction for their money. When backed by buying power, wants become demands. Value, Satisfaction, and Quality Customer value is the difference between the values the customer gains from owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product. Customer satisfaction depends on a products perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyers expectations. Value, Satisfaction, and Quality Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy customer needs( the American Society for Quality Control). Total Quality Management (TQM) 一、效用论概述 效用的概念 基数效用和序数效用 边际效用 效用(utility)的概念 效用是指商品满足人的欲望的能力; 或者说,效用是指消费者在消费商品时所感受到的满足程度。 基数效用与序数效用 基数效用——边际效用分析法 序数效用——无差异曲线分析法 总效用和边际效用 总效用:消费者在一定时间内从一定数量的商品的消费中所得到的效用量的总和。 边际效用:消费者在一定时间内增加一单位商品的消费所得到的效用量的增量。 边际效用递减规律 在一定时间内,在其它商品的消费数量保持不变的条件下,随着消费者对某种商品消费量的增加,消费者从该商品连续增加的每一消费单位中所得到的效用增量即边际效用是递减的。 消费者均衡的原则 在每一种商品上花费的最后一单位货币支出,具有相同的边际效用 等边际原理 等边际原理:有多种用途的资源,如果在每一种用途上的边际利益都相等,那么这种配置利益最大。 消费者均衡原则是等边际原理的一个应用 二、无差异曲线 关于消费者偏好的假定 无差异性及其特点 消费者偏好 基数效用论:效用单位 序数效用论:消费者偏好 消费者对于各种不同的商品组合的偏好(即爱好)程度是有差别的,这种偏好程度的差别决定了不同商品组合的效用的大小顺序。 三个基本假设条件 对于任何两个商品组合A和B, 消费者可以作出也只能作出三种判断中的一种:AB; A=B; AB。 对于任何三个商品组合A、B和C,如果 消费者已经作出判断AB,BC, 则对于该消费者必有 AC。 如果两个商品组合的区别仅在