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ARToolkit 增强现实互动扩展技术的实践与展望 学院:高等技术学院松江分院 专业:计算机应用技术 学号姓名:潘忆芸 指导老师:郁松年老师 二〇一〇年四月 摘要 随着科技的日新月异的发展,增强现实(Augmented Reality,简称AR)增强现实借助计算机图形技术和可视化技术产生现实环境中不存在的虚拟对象,并通过传感技术将虚拟对象准确“放置”在真实环境中,借助显示设备将虚拟对象与真实环境融为一体,并呈现给使用者一个感官效果真实的新环境。因此增强现实系统具有虚实结合、实时交互、三维注册的新特点。 Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology, Augmented Reality (AR) is no longer an inaccessible technology. This interactive way, which can make virtual scene become much realer , now is more and more popular among the companies. Nowadays, it is being used in various industries. AR is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer-generated imagery. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. In the case of Augmented Reality, the augmentation is conventionally in real-time and in semantic context with environmental elements, such as sports scores on TV during a match. With the help of advanced AR technology (e.g. adding computer vision and object recognition) the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally usable. Artificial information about the environment and the objects in it can be stored and retrieved as an information layer on top of the real world view. In this article, I will introduce the process of achieving AR through ARToolKit and its principium. I will try to do some exploitation of AR technology and make some analysis and expectation of it. 目录 摘要 1 前言 3 1.1 ARToolKit的诞生 3 1.2 ARToolKit的简单原理及应用 3 1.2.1 简单原理描述 3 1.2.2 AR技术的应用 4 1.3 AR技术在世界上的现状、水平和发展趋势 5 开发环境介绍与导入 6 2.1 开发环境以及必要设备介绍 6 2.1.1 硬件准备 6 2.1.2 软件准备 6 2.2 导入ARToolKit 6 2.3 制作识别标记 6 学习熟悉ARToolKit 7 3.1 学习和熟悉最基本的样本程序 7 3.2 分析自身情况 8 3.3 制定具体开发项目 9 开发简单的三维空间绘画程序 9 4.2 程序结构分析 9 4.2 具体编码编写 10 总结与展望 11 5.1 开发中学习到的经验与总结 11 5.2 对于ARToolKit技术未来的展望 12 参考文献 12


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