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BBC News with Fiona MacDonald An international military operation is underway in Libya to enforce a United Nations resolution to prevent Colonel Gaddafis forces attacking civilians. The United States said American and British naval forces have fired more than 100 cruise missiles at around 20 military targets in Libya. Paul Adams reports from Washington. 国际社会正在对利比亚发动联合军事行动,执行联合国防止卡扎菲军队袭击平民的决议。美国表示,美国和英国海军已经向利比亚大约20个军事目标发射了100多枚巡航导弹。Paul Adams在华盛顿报道。 Within the last few minutes, the director of the US militarys Joint Staff, Vice Admiral William Gortney, has given more details about what he described as the first phase of a multi-phased operation. He said 110 cruise missiles had been fired against Libyas air defence and missile systems. This phase he said was all about creating conditions for coalition partners to patrol the no-fly zone established by UN Security Council Resolution 1973. 过去几分钟,美军指挥官,副将格特尼(William E. Gortney)讲述了多国联合军事行动第一阶段的细节。他表示,美英向利比亚空防和导弹系统发射了100多枚巡航导弹。他说,本阶段主要集中在为盟军在联合国安理会1973号决议设立的禁飞区巡逻创造条件。 State TV in Libya said civilian targets had been hit. Earlier, French warplanes destroyed a number of pro-Gaddafi tanks and armoured vehicles near the rebel-held city of Benghazi.President Obama says the United States is part of a broad coalition to answer the calls of a threatened people in Libya, but he reiterated that the US would not deploy troops on the ground. 利比亚国家电视台表示,一些民事目标被击中。此前,法国战斗机摧毁了叛军控制的城市班加西附近支持卡扎菲的一些坦克和装甲车。奥巴马总统表示,美国是响应利比亚受威胁民众的呼唤的广大联盟的一部分,但是他强调,美国不会向现场派遣军队。 I want the American people to know that the use of force is not our first choice, and its not a choice that I make lightly. But we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy, and his forces step up their assaults on cities like Benghazi and Misrata. “我希望美国人民知道,使用武力并不是我们的首要选择,我也不会轻率地做出这个决定。但是,当一个暴君告诉他的民众他们会毫不怜悯地加强对班加西和米苏拉塔等城市的进攻时,我们也不会坐视不理。” The French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe has said that the attacks will continue over the next few days until


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