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数据分析方法 Data Analysis Method 通常,管理研究中运用比较普遍的数据分析方法是多元回归分析法,但是多元回归方法存在两个弱点(李怀祖,2000): Generally speaking, the Multiple Regression Analysis Method is commonly used in the application of management research. However, the Multiple Regression Method has two weaknesses. (Li Huaizu, 2000): (1)、管理研究中难以回避一些无法直接观测的变量,而多元回归的因变量和自变量都要求可测,才能估计出回归系数。比如本论文种的运营质量,需要通过准确性、可靠性、准时性等来阐述一样。结构方程模型的广泛应用主要是因为在一般的回归研究中所涉及的很多变量并不能直接、准确地测量,这些变量称为潜变量( Latent Variable ,简称LV)。人们可以找到一些可观测的变量将其作为这些潜变量的“指标”( Indicators) ,进而间接研究潜变量的性质(刘金兰 2005)。传统的统计分析方法通常不能有效处理这些含潜变量的问题,而结构方程模型正是用来检验观测变量和潜变量、潜变量和潜变量之间关系的一种多元统计方法。(理顺一下逻辑) (1) In the management research, some variables, which is unable to be observed directly, could not be neglected. However, the Dependent Variable and Independent Variable should be observable in the Multiple Regression Analysis so that the Regression Coefficient could be estimated. For instance, the operation quality mentioned in the essay should be elaborated through its accuracy, reliability, punctuality and so on. The widespread application of Structural Equation Model mainly because many variables included in the common regression research could not be directly and accurately observed. The variable is regarded as Latent Variable (LV). Some observable variable may be found to serve as the “Indicators” of the LV so that the nature of LV could be indirectly researched (Liu Jinnan 2005). Generally speaking, these problems including LV could not be effectively handled by traditional statistical analysis method, but the structural equation model is just one kind of multivariate statistical method used for checking and observing the relationship between variable LV or among different latent variables (For straightening out the logic). (2)、回归分析难以处理多重共线性问题。 因此,在涉及自变量多或自变量相互关联复杂的系统时,人们需要在多元回归分析的基础上,探索新的数据分析方法。目前,在管理研究中,特别是采用问卷法收集数据的情况下,结构方程建模是针对上述回归分析的弱点而研发出来的并已得到较广泛应用的数据分析方法(李怀祖,2000)。根据所研究的关联模型的特点,本文选择结构方程建模作为研究工具。 (2) As the problem of multicollinearity is difficult to be solved in th


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