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单词 rise v. 上升;升涨 The river has risen by three metres. n. 升高,提高 I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Rome Empire. 拓展:比较rise 和raise The sun has not yet risen. The chairman rose from his chair. We must raise the living standard of people. She raised the gun and fired. They can raise rice here. Raise pigs 饲养猪 raise money 捐钱 raise wheat 种植小麦 Raise a question提出问题 raise a shout 发出叫喊声 练习 In those years, the cost of living _______ by nearly 4%. A. raised B. rose C. stayed D. kept 2. ruin (1) n. [pl] 废墟;[U] 毁灭,毁坏 (be/lie) in ruins 严重受损,破败不堪 bring…to ruin 使……毁灭,使……没落 All the towns were in ruins after the earthquake. The castle was in ruins. What has brought his hope to ruin? AD 476 saw the ruin of the Roman Empire. (2) vt. 毁灭,毁坏;使破产 The big flood not only ruined the crops, but also left the whole town in ruins. If you go on like this, you’ll ruin yourself. 练习 The war meant the _______ of all our hope and our family was brought to ________ because of it. A. ruins; ruins B. ruin; ruins C. ruins; ruin D. ruin; ruin 2. The house across the street are ______, but they were in good condition a few years ago. A. in rows B. in ruins C. in danger D. in trouble 3. 用ruin的正确形式填空 We visited the ________ of Yuanmingyuan last summer. It _______ by the foreign invaders. Seeing the _________palace we felt very sad. 3. burst burst, burst; bursting 爆裂;爆发 (1) 爆裂 Eg. Water pipes often burst in cold weather. The red balloon suddenly burst. (2) burst into sth. burst out doing sth. 突然……起来 burst into tears/laughter= burst our crying/laughing eg. On hearing the news, Mary burst into laughter while Lucy burst out crying. burst in 闯进来;burst in on sb./sth. 突然打断,打乱 burst into some place 突然闯入 Eg. When we were chatting in the room, he burst in. Don’t burst in on the meeting. 爆裂 突然大哭 闯入 练习 1. Every time _________he thou


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