the steamboat (话剧台词).doc

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the steamboat (话剧台词).doc

Module 2答案1-10. BADDC BDADB 11-20. ABCDD DBADB I. 1-10. CADDA C A/C CBBB 11-20. DDBAD ACDDC II. 21-30. DADAB CCABC 31-40. BBDAD CDACB III 41-44. BADC IV..任务型阅读 1. 2. slam 3. were roundly criticized 4. Hurricane Katrina caused massive damage to the U.S. The winds brought by the storm cut power lines and destroyed homes. About 1,300 people died because of the storm. 5. 城市80%的地方洪水淹没了住宅和小建筑物的房顶据估计1,300人这次暴雨中,损失达一千五百亿。 V. 1. intellectual 2. barber’s 3. volunteers 4. profound 5. encounter 6. mission 7. temporary 8. contract 9. permanent 10. demand VI. 1.In theory the train should arrive at 9:15, but in practice it is often late. 2.One film in particular, which was directed by Zhang Yimou is considered one of the most successful film in the world. 3.I took it for granted that you’d go with us, so I bought you a ticket. 4.I had a close encounter with a poisonous snake. 5.His rich experience in dealing with crimes had a profound effect on us. 6.He realized that he was lucky to be alive himself, and felt that it was his mission in life to help others. 7.I am writing in response to your advertisement for a temporary position as a guide. 8.I would be very grateful if you could send me more information about the post available. 9.But there will be a rise in the demand for qualified teachers. 10.The number of youngsters suffering from speech or language problems is expected to double柯南·道尔爵士Sir Arthur Conan Doyle? “我考虑杀掉福尔摩斯……把他干掉,一了百了。他占据了我太多的时间。”1893年12月在《最后一案》中,道尔让福尔摩斯和他的死敌莫里亚蒂教授一起葬身莱辛巴赫瀑布。 就这样世界文学史上大名鼎鼎的天才侦探残忍地离开了痴迷他的人们。这一年他只有37岁。冷酷、精明、不近女色的福尔摩斯的离世,一时让人们无法接受。 于是人们成群结队示威游行表示抗议,有人到连载报社砸报馆,有人甚至扬言要谋杀作者……痴爱使人丧失理性,抱憾变成愤怒,人们把所有痛失的痛归罪于一个人: 这就是福尔摩斯的创造者,柯南·道尔。这使得道尔最终又让福尔摩斯重新“复活”,在1903年道尔发表了《空屋》,使福尔摩斯死里逃生。道尔一生一共写了56篇短篇侦探小说以及4部中篇侦探小说,全部以福尔摩斯为主角。 pilot 驾驶员? dentist 牙科医生?composer 作曲家?engineer?工程师public servants 公务员?journalist 记者?director导演 detective 刑警? guide 导游??architect 建筑师?chemist 药剂师???editor 编辑?linguist 语言



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