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* Francesco Redi * Leuwenhoek * * * Infectious Diseases - Definitions Human disease can be caused by infectious agents, genetic defects, environmental factors, or a combination of these factors. Here we will discuss only diseases brought about by infectious agents or pathogens. The infectious disease process begins at the time of infection, when a pathogen enters a host and starts to reproduce. Many infectious agents, though, are killed by the body’s numerous defenses before they can begin to reproduce. Further more, an infection may not necessarily produce disease; the infectious agent could be defeated quickly or it could hide somewhere in the body where it cannot be detected. The rapidity of onset and severity of the disease caused by an infectious agent depends on the virulence of the pathogen. References Black, J. G. (2005). Microbiology (6th ed.). John Wiley Sons, Inc. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, National Institutes of Health. (2002). Microbes in sickness and in health. Retrieved 9-18-2006 from /publications/microbes.htm * * * * * 它作为一个公共卫生问题的重要性得到承认是在1982年继美利坚合众国的一次该病暴发之后。肠出血性大肠杆菌产生的毒素称为志贺样毒素或类志贺毒素。潜伏期3至8天,平均为3至4天。大多数病人10天内康复,但是有少数病人(特别是幼儿和老年人)的染病可能发展为威胁生命的疾病,例如溶血尿毒综合症(HUS)。溶血尿毒综合症的特点是急性肾衰竭、溶血性贫血和血小板减少。据估计,10%的肠出血性大肠杆菌感染者可发展为溶血尿毒综合症,病例死亡率为3%至5%。The outbreak is unusual in that it has developed very rapidly, and an unusually high number of cases affect adults (86% are in people aged 18 years or older), particularly women (67%), instead of the normal high-risk groups, which are young children and the elderly. Nevertheless, cases have also been reported in school-aged children. The unusual E. coli serogroup O104 is suspected of being the pathogen likely to be associated with this outbreak. Treatment with anti-diarrhoeal products or antibiotics is not usually recommended, as these may worsen the situation. * Forexample,insurveillancestudies conductedinfourBrooklyn,NewYorkhospitalsin2004, 35–40% ofpatientsintheintensivecareunit(ICU)were


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