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结核性腹膜炎 Tuberculous Peritonitis 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院消化内科 【概念】 conception   由结核分枝杆菌引起的慢性、弥漫性腹膜感染. the chronic/diffuse peritoneal infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis . 【病因和发病机制】 etiopathogenisis and pathogenesis 结核分枝杆菌感染腹膜引起,主要继发于肺结核和体内其他部位病灶,以腹腔内的结核病灶直接蔓延为主 Cause: Mycobacterium tuberculosis infect peritonitis, secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis and other focus of infection. Way: derect spread by intraabdominal tuberculose focus 【病理 】 pathology      渗出型 exudative type     粘连型 adhesive type     干酪型 caseous type 【临床表现 】 Clinical Manifestations (一)全身症状systemic signs and symptoms 结核毒血症常见,主要是发热与盗汗 Tuberculous toxemia: fever, night-sweat (二)腹痛 abdominal pain    部位:脐周/下腹多见 location:aroud the umbilicus/inferior belly  (三)腹部触诊abdominal touch   腹壁柔韧感 dough kneading sensation  (四)腹水 ascites  (五)腹部肿块 abdominal mass  (六)其他 other 【实验室和其他检查 】 laboratory and other examination (一)血象、红细胞沉降率与结核菌素试验 Blood routine; ESR; PPD (二)腹水检查 草黄色渗出液,比重超过1.016,蛋白质含量在30g/L以上, 白细胞超过500,以淋巴细胞为主,细菌培养一般阴性 exudate; specific weight1.016; protein content30g/L; WBC500,lymphocytosis ;but rarely shows acid-fast bacilli on smear (三)B超和X线 B-ultrasound and X-ray 必要时可进行腹部CT检查 abdominal CT when necessary (四)腹腔镜 laparoscopy 对难于诊断者有确诊价值 A definitive diagnosis of peritoneal tuberculosis is made best by laparoscopy and directed peritoneal biopsy. 【诊断和鉴别诊断 】 diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis (一)诊断依据 diagnosis   1.青壮年,有结核病史 young , tuberculosis history 2.发热原因不明两周以上,伴有腹痛、腹胀等症状 fever of unknown2 weeks ,accompany with abdominal pain and swelling etc.    3. 腹水,性质为渗出液,细菌培养阴性,腹水细胞学检查未见癌细胞 Ascites : exudate , bacterial culture negative , cytology examination can’t find malignant cell 4. X线胃肠钡餐发现肠粘连 X-ray/ gastrointestina barium swallow :ankylenteron 5. 结核菌素皮肤试验强阳性


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