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, Journal ofAnhuiAgr.i Sci. 2010, 38( 31): 17691- 17694, 17738 李占东 况玲玲 贾瑞丽, 马登 (, 730000) 采用单因子污染指数法确定水质类别,用污染负荷系数法确定主要污染物, 用污染变化趋势定 分析说明污染物变化趋势根 据 1996~ 2007年地面水水质监测数据的统计评价, 论述了黄河兰州段水质现状, 并对其水质污染的原因进行分析, 从而提出相应的污 染防治措施结果表明, 黄河兰州段水体以生物有机类污染为主,无机金属类污染次之, 粪大肠菌群位于黄河兰州段之首; 黄河兰州 段水体总体污染变化呈下降趋势,下降趋势很显著 黄河兰州段; 水质; 污染指数; 污染负荷; 污染防治 X 522 A 0517- 6611( 2010) 31- 17691- 04 W aterQuality Analysis and Pollution PreventionM easures in Lanzhou Section of Yellow River JIA Ruili et al ( School of Resource and nvironmenta,l Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000) Abstract Thewater quality categoriesw ere determ ined by singlefactor pollution indexm ethod, themajor pollutantsw eret determ ined by pol lution load factormethod, and the pollutant change trendwasdescribed by the quantitative analysis of pollution change trends. According to sta tistics and evaluation of them onitoring data of the surface water from 1996 to 2007, thew ater quality in Lanzhou section of Yellow R iverw as analyzed in order to propose corresponding pollution control measures. Results indicated that the Yellow River water of Lanzhou sectionw as m ainly polluted by biological and organic pollutants, then followed by inorganic and m etal pollutants and fecal coliform was them ost in the Lanzhou section ofYellow River. The generalwater pollution in Lanzhou section ofYellow R iver presented a significant decreasing trend. Key words Lanzhou section ofYellow River;Water quality; Pollution index; Pollution load; Pollution control , d, 20032 6 d, 1 3 d, 911 1, 1 1d, 5 11 d; , 6 6 d ,, . 2 ,, !∀() , !∀(GB383888)# [1] : pHBODCOD 6 , LAS(/L)( 2001~ 2007) ,, ( 1996


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