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P A T H S i n C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g C a r e e r Pa t h s f o r C i v i l E n g i n e e r s Do you ever wonder what path you would This brochure illustrates only five of the dozens follow to become a corporate chief executive of paths possible in the broad and expanding officer … or a public works director? How field of civil engineering. Your individual inter- about a professor of civil engineering? A project ests, skills, and training will dictate the path you engineer for a large consulting firm? Or a senior should follow. Over time, you may modify your project manager for a construction manage- career path based on personal interests, values, ment firm? This brochure explores many of goals, experiences, and new opportunities that the typical careers paths open to you as a civil present themselves. engineer. This document provides a tool to help you While there are no magic formulas to achieve create a strategy for your own personal career your career goals, the career paths presented development. Planning for advancement can here were developed by civil engineers in these make the difference between a mediocre job fields and represent their knowledge of a logical and obtaining your position of choice. career progression. Look around you. You see buildings and roads; you drink clean water and breathe clean air. Civil engineers, together with other di


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