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基于FPGA温度传感器DS18B20的Verilog设计 赖青松 (江西师范大学 南昌 电子信息工程) 摘 要: 本文利用数字温度传感器 DS18B20 的数据接口和特点 ,阐述了一种基于现场可编程门阵列( FPGA)控制DS18B20的方法。使用 FPGA 作为控制器 ,严格控制DS18B20 的时序 ,在单总线上实现读写功能 ,完成测量数字温度的功能。将测量的二进制数转换为BCD码 ,并通过数码管显示。系统设计使用 Verilog 语言。 由于 DS18B20 是采用一根 I/ O 总线读写数据,因此DS18B20 对读写数据位有严格的时序要求。DS18B20 遵循相应的通信协议从而保证数据传输的正确性和完整性。该通信协议定义了多种信号时序:初始化时序、 写时序、 读时序 1、初始化时序: During the initialization sequence the bus master transmits (TX) the reset pulse by pulling the 1-Wire bus low for a minimum of 480us. The bus master then releases the bus and goes into receive mode (RX). When the bus is released, the 5k pullup resistor pulls the 1-Wire bus high.When the DS18B20 detects this rising edge, it waits 15us to 60us and then transmits a presence pulse by pulling the 1-Wire bus low for 60us to 240us. 初始化时序中,控制器发送一个480us-960us的低电平的复位信号,然后释放总线,也就是总线为高电平,此时,控制器准备接收DS18B20的反应信号,当总线释放后,如果存在DS18B20,那么DS18B20将在15-60us内发送一个持续60-240us的反应信号。 2、写时序:(因为本设计总线上只挂了一个DS18B20,所以不用读取64位序列号,直接发送忽略rom命令skin rom) There are two types of write time slots: “Write 1” time slots and “Write 0” time slots. The bus master uses a Write 1 time slot to write a logic 1 to the DS18B20 and a Write 0 time slot to write a logic 0 to the DS18B20. All write time slots must be a minimum of 60us in duration with a minimum of a 1us recovery time between individual write slots. Both types of write time slots are initiated by the master pulling the 1-Wire bus low 写时序有写1和写2时序,首先将总线拉低电平,拉低后15us之内必须把所要向DS18B20写的数据传到总线上,DS18B20将在15us-60us内采样总线上的数据,如果为高则写1,为低则写0;写完一次后释放总线。每两次写数据之间时隙要大于1us 3、读时序: All read time slots must be a minimum of 60us in duration with a minimum of a 1us recovery time between slots. A read time slot is initiated by the master device pulling the 1-Wire bus low for a minimum of 1us and then releasing the bus (see Figure 14). After the master initiates the read time slot, the DS18B20 will begin transmitting a 1 or 0 on bus. The DS18B20 transmits a 1 by leaving the bus high and transmits a 0 by pulling the bus low. Output


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