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total total the dilution of crankcase oil with particles of combustion broken fuel lines spraying oil on the crankcase the ignition of unburned fuel and air in the crankcase 曲轴箱爆炸是滑油蒸汽和空气混合达到燃爆比被高温热源引燃。 4085 When transmitted by a reduction gear diesel engine speed is reduced and the torque available for work ________. is reduced is increased is eliminated 速度降低,扭矩上升。 4086 While sailing in ballast under normal weather and sea condition, the basic parameter which is used to restrict the fuel injection of main engine is ________. the speed of main engine the turbine rotation speed the power of main engine 4087 The bearing of tailshaft sealing equipment which adopts the oil nature circulation is hot, the reason is ________. 采用自然循环的尾轴密封装置轴承温度很高,原因是透气管堵塞。 4088 When checking zinc plates in the refrigerating system condenser, you should ________. paint and insulate the plates to prevent corrosion renew the plates at each inspection replace the zincs if deteriorated by 50% file the plates to change the negative value 冷凝器防腐锌板检查时,锌块腐蚀超过50%应换新。 4089 When replacing a thermostatic expansion valve sensing bulb, it is necessary to ________. apply a light film of oil to increase heat transfer apply a light film of oil to prevent oxidation apply a heavy coating of grease to function as a heat sink carefully coat the device with silicone sealant to reduce the effects of convective cooling 热力膨胀阀温包换新时,有必要在温包外覆以隔热材料。 4090 If you install a new hydraulic hose in a hydraulic system, the hose must be long enough to allow for contraction to prevent ________. failure of the hydraulic hose excessive flow through the line friction in other areas of the hydraulic system overheating of the hydraulic fluid 新液压油软管应足够长,以防收缩断裂。 4091 ________ is supplied with electricity by main switchboard directly not through sub-board on board. Some important load machinery 重要设备是主配电板直接供电的。 4092 Usually, emergency electricity supplies to ________ on board. Main air compressor 一般应急电源可以向舵机供电。 4093 Modern handheld digita


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