Theoretical Analysis of Gain and Threshold Current Density for Long Wavelength GaAsBased Q.pdfVIP

Theoretical Analysis of Gain and Threshold Current Density for Long Wavelength GaAsBased Q.pdf

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Theoretical Analysis of Gain and Threshold Current Density for Long Wavelength GaAsBased Q

第 26 卷  第 10 期 半  导  体  学  报 Vol . 26  No . 10 2005 年 10 月 C H IN ESE J OU RNAL O F SEM ICONDU C TOR S Oct . ,2005 Theoretical Analysis of Gain and Threshol d Current Density f or Long Wavelength GaAsBased QuantumDot Lasers Deng Shengling , Huang Yo ngzhen , J in Chaoyuan , and Yu Lij uan ( S t ate Key L aborat ory on I nteg rate d Op t oelect ronics , I ns t it ute of S em icon d uctors , ) Chi nese A ca demy of S ciences , B eij i ng  100083 , Chi na Abstract : Quant um dot gain sp ect ra ba sed on harmonic o scillator mo del are calculat ed including and excluding excit on s. The effect s of nonequilibrium di st ribution s are con sidered at low t emp erat ures. The variation s of t hreshold cur rent den sit y in a wide t emp erat ure range are analyzed and t he negative charact eri stic t emp erat ure and o scillatory charact eri stic t emp erat ure app earing in t hat t emp erat ure range are di scu ssed . Al so ,t he imp rovement of quant um dot laser s ’p erformance i s investigat ed t hrough vertical st acking and pt yp e doping and t he op timal dot den sit y ,which corresponds to minimal t hreshold current den sit y ,i s calculat ed . Key words : quant um dot laser s ; multip le ener gy level s ; gain sp ect rum ; t emp erat ure dep en


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