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第 37 卷 第 19 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.37 No.19
2009 年 10 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Oct. 1, 2009
(平顶山供电公司,河南 平顶山 467001)
摘要:介绍了一起 110 kV 微机母差保护误动作事故的检查处理过程,介绍了该型号微机母线保护的基本原理,从电力互感
关键词: 母差保护;误动;原因分析;抗饱和措施;比率制动
Reason analysis and preventive measures of a busbar differential protection maloperation
XIAO Cheng-qian, ZHOU Zhi-feng,ZHANG Xin-yu
(Henan Pingdingshan Power Supply Company, Pingdingshan 467001,China)
Abstract: This paper introduces the inspection process of the maloperation of a 110kV microprocessor-based busbar protection. It
then introduces the principle of a microprocessor-based busbar protection, analyses the maloperation reasons of the busbar differential
protection from three aspects, including TA saturation, anti-saturation measures, ratio restraint coefficient, and sums up the preventive
measures and countermeasures of busbar differential protection maloperation finally.This type of protection device reliability is
greatly improved through taking targeted measures and thus the safe and stable operation of the grid is ensured.
Key words: busbar differential protection; maloperation; reason analysis; anti-saturation measure; ratio restraint
中图分类号: TM773 文献标识码:B 文章编号: 1674-3415(2009)19-0127-03
在对站内失压的 110 kV 母线保护范围内的母
0 引言
线、CT 等一次设备进行全面检查,均未发现明显故
在电网的新建改造过程中,新投产的母线保护 障点。后保护检查发现 110 kV 回路中有一条线路
基本上全为微机型,保护原理普遍采用带比率制动 微机保护零序插件告警,随即打印出故障报告,分
特性的差动保护。本论文述及的保护装置属于较早 析判断为近端故障 A 相零序 I