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第 33卷 第 6期 燃 料 化 学 学 报 V o.l 33 No. 6
2005年 12月 Journal of Fuel Chem istry and echno logy D ec. 2005
A rticle ID: 0253-2409( 2005) 06-0650-06
Power production from biomass in Denmark
1, 2 2
W eigang L in , W enli Song
( 1. D epartm em nt of Chem ical Engineering, echnical University of D enm ark, Bu ilding 229, DK-2800, Lyngby, Denm ark;
2. Mu ltiphase Reaction Laboratory, Institute of Process Engineering, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China )
Abstract: Denm ark has the best know ledge and know-how of converting straw to energy andm anufacturing straw f ired
boiler plant, from w h ich m any conceptsm ay be learned. In this paper, an overview of pow er production from the annual
b iom ass, the problem s of the biom ass-based plants and the corresponding research activities are presented.
Key words: b iom ass; pow er; com bustion; fou ling; corrosion; em ission
CLC number: X71 Docum ent code: A
he consequences of carbon dioxide ( CO ) in- bustion techno logy can be directly used for biom ass.
duced global w arm ing cause major concern w orld- A ctually, Biom ass, the annual agricultural residues in
w ide. Rapid increases in the consumption of energy particular, is a more difficult fuel than coal, o il and
producedw ith fossil fuels over the past century are a natural gas, am ong other things because the calorific
m ajor factor contribu
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