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Marketing Psychology Most of the theories of marketing come from psychology WHY? Psychology definition: the study of mind and behavior The word psychology originally means: “study of the soul” Define the word marketing “Nothing is so powerful as an insight into human nature. What compulsions drive a man, what instincts dominate this actions. If you can know these things you can touch someone at the core of this being” William Bernbach, Co-founder, Doyle Dane Bernbach, Advertising agency “The philosophy behind much of advertising is the observation that man is really two men: The man he is and the man he wants to be.” Identification ads Advertising Psychology Similarities to literature and films Talking to each consumer personally Emotional transference Don′t argue products Consumers buy with emotions but need a rational excuse All products have personalities Describe your product or service as if it were a person, (physical and personality description) subjective answer, not objective Is that personality attractive? Would you date that person? Would you marry that person? “In our factory we make lipstick. In our advertising we sell hope” Charles Revson, former CEO Revlon, Inc. Kodak sells film, but they don’t advertise film. They advertise memories. Industrial products Last year our customers bought over one million quarter-inch drill bits and none of them wanted to buy the product. What they wanted were quarter-inch holes. In our advertising we emphasize now how good the bit is but how good the hole is. Consumer Advertising Consumers do not buy one brand of something, they have a repertory of 4 or 5 brands and move from one to another. Consumers mostly ignore advertising for bands they are not already using The consumer is not an idiot. She is your wife, or your husband. Are most purchases Optimizing or Satisficing? Classic decision-making influences Our experience Family, background, culture, reference groups Education, accumulated knowledge Society, laws, rule


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