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车联网发展模式探析 王建强,李世威,曾俊伟 (兰州交通大学交通运输学院,兰州 730070 ) 摘 要:车联网是物联网技术在智能交通系统中的应用,已经引起了国内外相关研究机构的高度重视。通过介绍车联网的基本概念 和发展现状,分析探讨了车联网在保障道路行驶安全、防止交通拥塞、促进汽车产业升级和实现智能化交通管理4个方面的应用。 结合我国的实际国情,分别研究了车联网发展模式当中涉及的技术模式、商业模式和管理模式问题,指出未来车联网的发展需要综 合考虑多种因素,建立一种以政府为主导,企业积极参与的多方共赢的发展模式。 关键词:车联网;技术模式;商业模式;管理模式;产业链 Analysis of the Development Model of Internet of Vehicles WANG Jian-qiang, LI Shi-wei, ZENG Jun-wei (School of Traffic Transportation, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China) Abstract: Internet of Vehicles is an application of Internet of things in Intelligent Transport System, and has attracted highly attention of many research institutions worldwide. Introducing the basic concept and current situation of Internet of Vehicles, this paper analyzed and discussed the application of Internet of Vehicles in ensuring road driving safety, preventing traffic jam, promoting the upgrade of automobile industry and realizing intelligent traffic management. Combined with real national conditions of our country, the paper researched the development model of Internet of Vehicles respectively, which involved technology model, business model and management model. The conclusion is that many factors need to be considered in the future development of Internet of Vehicles, and to establish a mutual win development model that is leading role of government and active participation of enterprise. Key words: Internet of Vehicles; technology model; business model; management model; industry chain [1-2] 0 引 言 低谷 。我国也积极开展了物联网方面的工作,十一 届全国人大三次会议的政府工作报告中指出应加快物 物联网被认为是继计算机、互联网与移动通信之 联网的研发与应用,2010 年召开的全国两会上明确指 后的世界信息产业的第三次浪潮,目前有多个国家都 出要利用物联网技术推动


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