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中文摘要 摘 要 随着钢拱桥向大跨度、超大跨度的发展,对桥梁结构风致振动问题的研究显 得越来越重要。以重庆菜园坝长江大桥为例,针对大跨度钢拱桥成桥以及施工态 的抖振问题进行了研究。主要工作有以下几个方面: 通过对现有的AR(p)法进行改进,采用最小AIC (A-Information Criterion )准 则准确识别模型阶数,提高AR(p)法的计算精度,并考虑大跨度钢拱桥风速谱随高 度变化的特点,实现了对三维空间脉动风场的有效模拟。 采用Lin 提出的脉冲响应函数表达的气动力公式计算自激力,推导了其在时域 下的表达形式。使用这种形式的自激气动力表达式,可以充分体现桥梁结构的位 移、速度、加速度以及非线性的延时效应对空气动力的影响。 对菜园坝长江大桥进行动力特性分析,空气静力问题分析,在此基础上进行 时域抖振分析。 在全桥分析的基础上,将时域分析方法运用到施工阶段大跨度钢拱桥的抖振 分析中,研究了菜园坝长江大桥在各个施工阶段的抖振响应。 关键词:大跨度钢拱桥,非线性,时域分析,施工态,抖振 I 英文摘要 ABSTRACT With the development of steel arch bridge to long and super long-span, the research on vibration caused by wind has become more and more important. Based on the present frequency and time domain analytical methods, a nonlinear time domain method is developed. This paper is carried out to analyze the buffeting of long-span steel arch bridge in operation and erection stage. The research is mainly focused on the following aspects: Based on the present AR(p) method, the AIC rule is used for fix the rank of the AR model to improve the simulation precision. Take into account that the wind speed spectrum is vary with the height for the long-span steel arch bridge, simulate the fluctuating wind field. The expression of motion-excited aerodynamic force in time domain is obtained in the form of pulse response function putted forward by Lin. Using this form of motion-excited force, the influences of the displacement, velocity and acceleration of bridge structure and the nonlinear time-delay effect are fully considered. Through the dynamical characteristic analysis, static analysis and buffeting analysis of Caiyuanba


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