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新东方英语 1. The people I know By: Michael Lee Contents 1. Vocabulary Study 2. Expression Learning 3. Picture talk 4. Topic practice 5. Discussion Opening When we want to describe a person, we have to describe him/her from two aspects, appearance and personality. However, because of lack of vocabulary, we can not give a vivid picture. So let’s learn how to describe a person Practice (1) Could you describe the two people from: appearance and personality? Zhang Bozhi: appearance She is gorgeous Build: slender Hair: long black straight Wearing: short T-shirt blue jeans Zhang Bozhi: Personality Beneficent: donates Thousands of dollars to the charity. Fanwei : appearance Plain looking Build: chubby Hair: crew cut Face: radiant smile Wearing: shirt loose pants lovely Fan wei: Personality accommodating: Never turn his back on someone who need help. 1. Vocabulary Study - appearance (1) Face: round face (n.) 圆脸 square face (n.) 方脸 average looking/ plain looking 长相一般 good looking 长得好看 gorgeous 长相完美 ugly 长相丑陋 Stuff on face. beard 落腮胡 moustache 上唇上的小胡子 wrinkles皱纹 scar伤疤 dimple酒窝 (2)Eyes: big/ small eyes 小眼睛 Bright/ sparkling/ twinkling/ shining eyes 闪闪发光的双眼 (4) Nose: High – bridged nose 高鼻梁 noble nose 好看的鼻子 flat nose 塌鼻子 snubby nose 朝天鼻,猪鼻子 (5)hair style: bald(adj.)秃顶的 crew cut平头 spiky hair 刺头,板寸头 parted hair 分头 fairly long很长(正合适) wavy hair波浪发 curly hair卷发 (6) Figure/ build short and stout 矮胖 medium build 中等身材 overweight 超重 plump丰满 perfect figure完美的身材 muscular 肌肉的,强壮的 tall slim高瘦 slender/slim苗条 1. Vocabulary Study - personality (1)positive words: honest, (adj.) 诚实


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