Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy in Exotic and Avian Species》.pdf

Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy in Exotic and Avian Species》.pdf

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Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy in Exotic and Avian Species》.pdf

Topics in Medicine and Surgery Topics in Medicine and Surgery Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy in Exotic and Avian Species G. Neal Mauldin, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Internal Medicine and Oncology), Dip. ACVR (Radiation Oncology) Keijiro Shiomitsu, BVSc Abstract Radiation therapy has long played a significant role in the treatment of cancer in people, dogs, and cats. Recently, this technology has been applied to small mammal, avian, and reptile species with some success. Radiation therapy may play an important role in the control of locally aggressive tumors and has been used in both definitive and palliative settings. However, there are some special challenges that must be overcome to successfully treat these species with radiation therapy and, in many cases, little is known about the natural behavior of the tumors being treated. This article introduces some of the basic tenets of radiation oncology, while addressing some of the aspects of radiation biology that are problematic when treating very small or air-filled patients. Much work needs to be done to define fractionation schemes and field geometries that will allow avian and exotic pets to be safely and effectively irradiated. Copyright 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Key words: Ionizing; radiation; exotics; avian; palliative; fractionation adiation therapy is a powerful adjunct to Principles of Radiation Therapy surgery when complete resection of a tu- Rmor is not possible. The combination of Radiation therapy results in cellular damage by the surgery plus radiation therapy will frequently re- process of



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