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2006年发表在美国呼吸与重症医学杂志上的关于戒烟对哮喘患者肺功能和气道炎症影响的文章,此前瞻性对照研究入选32名18-60岁吸烟的哮喘患者,观察戒烟对其肺功能、气道炎症以及激素治疗反应的短期影响,结果在戒烟6周后,哮喘控制评分显著改善(P0.05),说明戒烟有利于改善哮喘控制。 * 进行戒烟干预后,可显著降低COPD患者症状急性发作的风险,一项研究评价5年内35-60岁的早期COPD患者(n=5,887)戒烟对COPD症状改善的作用,结果显示戒烟5年内COPD患者的咳嗽、咳痰、喘息、呼吸困难等基础症状加重的比例均60%,明显少于一般保健患者。 Slide * References Anthonisen NR, Connett JE, Kiley JP; the Lung Health Study Research Group. Effects of smoking intervention and the use of an inhaled anticholinergic bronchodilator on the rate of decline of FEV1: the Lung Health Study. JAMA. 1994;272:1497-1505. Kanner RE, Connett JE, Williams DE, Buist AS; the Lung Health Study Research Group. Effects of randomized assignment to a smoking cessation intervention and changes in smoking habits on respiratory symptoms in smokers with early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the Lung Health Study. Am J Med. 1999;106(4):410-416. * 2006年发表在美国胸科医师学会Chest杂志上的关于慢性支气管炎和COPD发病率与吸烟相关性的文章,该研究对1711名40-59岁中年男性随访40年,评估慢性支气管炎和COPD的30年累计发病率与吸烟习惯之间的关系,并统计40年的死亡率数据。结果显示每日吸烟量减少的慢性支气管炎患者相比吸烟量不变的患者,累计生存可能性较高。以上曲线提示减少吸烟可延长慢性支气管炎患者生存期。 Key Point Smoking reduction improved survival in smokers with chronic bronchitis. In 1959, 1711 men aged 40 to 59 years belonging to 2 rural Finnish cohorts of the Seven Countries Study were evaluated. Participants had subsequent examinations in 1964, 1969, 1974, 1984, 1989, and 2000. Participants were noted to be never-smokers, baseline ex-smokers, or continuous smokers. Quitters who stopped smoking during the study were considered to be continuous smokers until the time they stopped smoking and were then classified as quitters after that time. During follow-up, 470 ever-smokers and 61 never-smokers had chronic bronchitis. Improved survival was noted in smokers with chronic bronchitis who reduced the amount of cigarettes smoked. Smokers who did not change their habit (b on the slide) smoked an average of 19 cigarettes per day. Smokers who decreased their daily smoking (a on the slide) had decreased their smoking by 13 cigarettes p
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