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增补表示解释、概括意义的词组或句子 e.g.古代中国人觉得月亮可爱又神秘,连苏东坡也不禁要问:“明月几时有?把酒问青天。” The ancient Chinese felt the moon was lovely and yet mysterious. Su Dongpo, a great poet of the Song Dynasty, wrote the following lines: “the bright moon, when will she appear? Wine cup in hand, I ask the blue sky.”(英语读者对苏东坡并不了解,翻译时要增译解释性信息:a great poet in Song Dynasty) 春节 春节时中国最盛大的传统节日,春节又叫“过年”。除夕这天,全家人围在一起,吃很丰盛的年夜饭,包饺子,放鞭炮,贴春联……迎接新的一年的到来。过春节的这天早上,孩子们都要穿上新衣服,跟上大人们去拜年。这时,大人们往往都要发给孩子们一些“压岁钱”,祝福他们又长了一岁。如今,春节更是一个亲人团聚的日子,离家在外的孩子在过春节时都要回家,全家老小欢聚团圆,共享天伦之乐。 春节 Spring Festival 拜年 pay New Year’s visits 压岁钱 lucky money Spring Festival, also called “New Year”, is the grandest traditional festival in China. On the day before the festival, the whole family will be reunited to have a substantial Chinese New Year’s Eve supper, and they make dumplings, set off firecrackers and put up spring-related couplets on the doors to greet the coming of a new year. On the first morning of Spring Festival, children follow their parents to pay New Year’s visits in their new apparel. At this time, their elders will often give them some “lucky money”, blessing them as they are a year older. Nowadays, Spring Festival is an occasion for family members to reunite, when grown children far away from home return so the whole family can enjoy the bliss of family reunion. VII. 合并译法:使用从句 汉语强调意合,句子结构较为松散,往往简单句居多,而且句与句之间经常没有显见的连词结构。而英语强调形合,句子犹如参天大树,无数细枝末节信息利用各种连接手段串联起来成为大叔的繁茂枝叶。因此译者往往需要通过各种可能的方式将细碎的汉语断句连接起来,译为逻辑合理、关系密切的英语长句,这种翻译方法就称为合并译法。 1. 使用状语从句 汉语短句之间常存在因果、转折、条件逻辑关系。译者需首先理顺其句法结构和逻辑关系,通过添加恰当的连接词将部分短句译为状语从句从而使多个汉语短句合并译为英语长句。 e.g.中国人喝茶的历史较短,三国以后江南人才开始喝茶。 Tea has a shorter history in China since people south of the Yangtze River began to drink tea only after the Three Kingdom Period. 解析:原文中两个短句暗含因果关系,后一个短句说明了为何“中国人喝茶的历史较短”的原因,因此翻译时可使用since引导的状语从句翻译后一个短句 e.g.在中国人的生活当中,酒和茶虽然没有布帛米粟那么重要,却也是不可缺少的东西。 In the life of the Chinese people, liquor and tea are indispensible, though not as important as food and clothing. 解析:原文中后两个短句存在转折关系,主句为


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