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编号: 毕业设计说明书 题 目:基于USB接口的编程器的 设计 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 学生姓名: 陈 忠 富 学 号: 0600120310 指导教师: 郭 福 力 职 称: 工 程 师 题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发 2010年5月20日 摘 要 USB(通用串行总线)是设备和主控制器(通常)Ajay Bhatt在因特尔公司工作时开发USB的目的是为了取代串行和并行端口。USB有一个显著优点就是支持热插拔,也就是说在开机的情况下,你也可以安全地连接或断开USB设备,达到真正的即插即用。S5X单片机编程器制作。文中重点介绍了编程器硬件设计、DC-DC升压电路、USB转串口模块设计、单片机程序设计、上位机的软件设计。在硬件方面,详细介绍方案的选择,元件参数的计算,以及在制作过程中的注意事项;在软件方面,详细阐述了基于VC++上位机编程过程的每个步骤,并提供一个良好的人机对话界面软件,使用方便。本系统可以实现AT89S51,AT89S52等系列CPU芯片的芯片识别、程序下载、芯片擦处、程序加密、数据比较、代码读出等功能,同时可以通过计算机控制单片机的运行与停止。 关键词:Abstract USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a specification to establish communication between devices and a host controller (usually personal computers), which was developed and invented by Ajay Bhatt when he was working for Intel. The designed of USB is intended to replace many varieties of serial and parallel ports. There is also a significant advantage of its supporting hot-swappable, which means you can safely connect or disconnect the USB device in the case of the computer running to achieve a true plug and play. With the rapid development of electronics, microcontroller is widely used.However, using the microcontroller to develop product can not work without the MCU programmer. Traditional programming usually uses parallel communication to the computer, which is not available to the notebook computer, so there is a special significance to decelop the USB programmer.The USB programmer has many advantages: such as a small size, low power consumption, high reliability, versatility,fast programming characteristics etc;On the other hand, the USB interface itself can offer power, which means no power is needed. The AT89S5X microcontroller pogrammer production based on the USB interface is designed in this issue. The microcontroller programmer hardware, DC-DC boost circuit, the module of USB to serial port, the microcontrol


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