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一种新型数字式电工仪表的设计 摘 要 数字仪表是把连续的被测模拟量自动的变成连续的、用数字编码方式并以十进制数字自动显示测量结果的一种测量仪表。数字仪表是将电子技术、算机技术、自动化技术与精密电测量技术密切地结合在一起的一种新型仪表。数字万用表(DMM)是指可以直接测量电流、电压、电阻或其他电参量数的仪表,其功能可以任意组合并以十进制数字显示被测量结果,应用十分广泛。在传统的电工电子测量中广泛使用的模拟量仪表,虽然具有观察者可直观看出表针偏转了多少个格和满刻度百分之几的优点,但要对读数加以换算和说明,尤其不可避免的是带来认为的视差,不同的观察者会得出不同的结果。数字仪表则不同,将测量结果直接用数字显示出来。然而要将模拟测量结果用数字显示出来首先要解决的是如何将模拟量转换成数字量再加以显示。 本以MCS-51单片机为核心,通过。本采用程序判断方法,选取不同的Digital instrument is measured by the continuous analog automatic into continuous, using digital coding way and with a decimal number automatically measuring results of a meter. It is a new kind of instrument. The electronic technology, computer technology and automation technology and precision electric measurement technology closely together, become a unique instrument technology branch. Digital multimeters (DMM) refers to direct measurement of the current, voltage, resistance or other electrical parameters of the instrument, the number of combinations can function with the decimal digits display by measuring results, widely used. In the tradition of electrical and electronic measurement is widely used in the analog meter, although has the observer can see how an anlaogue display deflection and the full scale, but the advantages of a few hundredths of reading, especially to conversion and the inevitable brings the parallax that is different, the observer will draw the different results. Digital instrument is different, it will be measured results directly in digital display. However will use digital simulation measurement results show how to tackle the analog to digital will amount to show again. This thesis is MCS - 51 series microcontroller as the core, the ADC0809 adc for the current, voltage analog circuit measurements converted into digital signals and digital display decimal. This design USES the method of selecting different procedures, the resistance combination automatic selection analog channels. Realization of automatic measurement process again meter scale. And can realize t



