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交通职业学院 毕 业 论 文 论文题目: 柴油机电控系统的发展 所属系别 车辆工程系 专业班级 汽车检测与维修技术 姓  名 学  号 指导教师 撰写日期 年 月 摘 要与现代汽车汽油机电控技术的发展背景一样,面对无法回避的局部和全球性的环境和能源问题,现代汽车柴油发动机不得不采用和发展电子控制系统,以便保持汽车柴油发动机的可持续发展,更充分发挥柴油发动机固有的优点(低油耗和低CO2排放)。近年来柴油发动机电控系统的发展势头是令人瞩目的。近年来,柴油机电控技术得到了快速发展和应用,大大促进了柴油机性能的提高。本文介绍了国外柴油机电控技术的发展情况和我国柴油机电控技术的研究现状,我国在柴油机电控技术发展过程中存在的问题Abstract Hyundai Motor gasoline and electric control technology background, like the face of unavoidable local and global environmental and energy issues, Hyundai had to use diesel engines and the development of electronic control systems, in order to maintain the sustainable development of automotive diesel engines, give full play to the inherent advantages of diesel engine (low fuel consumption and low CO2 emissions). In recent years, diesel engine control system development momentum is remarkable. Diesel Common Rail fuel injection technology is a more successful control of emissions of new technologies. In recent years, diesel engine electronic control technology has been rapid development and application, contributed greatly to the improvement of diesel engine performance. This article describes the structure and electronic control diesel engine works and foreign diesel engine electronic control technology and the development of electronic control diesel engine technology in China Research, said Chinas electronic control technology in diesel engine development problems, analysis of the future diesel engine electronic control technology development. Keywords: diesel engine electronic control technology 目录 1前 言 1 2 电控柴油机的概述 1 2.1什么是电控柴油机 1 2.2柴油电控技术的组成 2 2.3柴油机电控系统的功能 2 2.4柴油机电子控制技术的发展状况 3 3 电控柴油机喷射系统的分类 3 3.1位置控制系统 3 3.2时间控制方式 4 3.3时间-压力控制方式 4 3.4压力控制方式 4 4 电子控制柴油机技术介绍 4 4.1单体泵技术 5 4.2泵喷嘴技术 5 4.3高压共轨技术 5 5 现代轿车柴油机电控系统的新技术 7 5.1时间控制的柴油电喷技术 7 5.2共轨式电喷系统 7 5.3涡轮增压中冷技术 7 5.4采用多气门技术 7 5.5废气再循环技术 7 6 柴油发动机电控供油系统的技术要求 8 6.1提高柴油发动机的经济性和降低排放 8 6.2提高发动


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