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青岛大学经济学院 -  PAGE 4 - 青岛大学经济学院 —I— 摘 要 21世纪是一个变幻难测的世纪,科技的飞速发展,知识更替日新月异,经济的全球化,促进了现代商业的形成与发展。希望、困惑、机遇、挑战。随时随地的都有可能出现在每一个投资者身上。如何寻找一种有效的经营模式能使自己在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,已成为投资者的首要任务。随着商业的不断发展,作为第三次商业革命的连锁经营已被广大市场经营者所认可。连锁经营顾名思义:即形成一个商业联合体。 20世纪80年代,我国开始发展连锁经营。尽管起步比国外晚了一个多世纪,但短短30年便普及大江南北。1987年底,第一家肯德基店进驻中国。当时人们并没有意识到那正是连锁经营商业模式的“特许经营”在中国发展的起点。然而正是该店的成立让特许经营在中国以意想不到的速度飞速发展,取得了有目共睹的成就。 为分析肯德基连锁经营成功发展的原因,并以从中发现肯德基在它的品牌加盟,经营战略等方面存在的问题为目的。结合我在大学期间在肯德基兼职工作的一些经历:本文首先提出了连锁经营的基础理论,其次简单介绍了肯德基的连锁经营现状、优势、以及带给我们的思考。接着根据上面提出的问题深入分析,详细指出了肯德基在连锁加盟中的弊端,以及在管理中存在的问题。最后本文针对以上问题做出解决方案并深入总结。 本文通过对肯德基的分析,使我们清楚认识到如何做好连锁经营。肯德基的连锁经营是我们能够贴身体会的连锁经营实例,通过对该理论的研究,对我国连锁经营发展具有重要的意义! 关键字:现代商业,连锁经营,特许经营,经营战略 Abstract 21st century is the century of ever-unpredictable, the rapid developments of science and technology、knowledge changes with each passing day, the globalization of the economy and promoted the formation and development of modern business. Hoping confusion, opportunity and challenge, anytime may appear upon each investor。How to find an effective business model is their fierce competition in an invincible position, have become investors primary tasks。With the development of business, as the third commercial revolution of chain stores has been endorsed by the majority of market operators accepted Chain stores as its name suggests: formed a Business Coalition. In the 1980 of the 20th century, we began to develop the China chain store and franchise. Although starting later than abroad for more than a century, but a single universal South in 30 years. The end of 1987, the first KFC s was restaurant in China. When people were not award at chain store business model franchise at the starting point of Chinas development. Franchising with unexpected rapid development in China has made remarkable achievements. In order to analysis of KFC chain business development success, find KFC franchise, business strategy and other problems for the purpose. Combining some of my part time job while in College in Kentucky



