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Unit 6 Ignition and Starting System 发动机点火和启动系 II. New words expressions battery [b?t?ri] 电池 storage battery 蓄电池 voltage [v??lt?d?] 电压,伏特数 high voltage 高压电 low voltage 低压电 neutral ?[ nju?tr?l] 中立的,中性的 relay ?[ ri?lei] 继电器 solenoid ?[s??lin?id] 电磁线圈 sensor [sens?]?传感器 distributor [d?‘str?bj?t?] 分电器 switch [swit?] 开关 starting switch 起动开关 spark plug 火花塞 ignition switch 点火开关 III.Text analysis 1. Definition--- what is the ignition system? The job of the ignition system is to produce a high voltage from a 12 volt source and get it to each cylinder in a specific order, at exactly the right time. It is ignition system which creates an electrical spark with high voltage to ignite the air-fuel mixture. 在发动机各种工况和使用条件下,在气缸内适时、准确地产生电火花,点燃可燃混合气体,使发动机做功 气缸内,可燃混合气是由火花塞(spark plug) 点燃的,从而燃烧对外做功。为此,每个燃烧室(combustion chamber)中都装有火花塞。火花塞中有一个中心电极和一个侧电极,两电极之间是绝缘的。当在火花塞两电极间加上直流电压并且电压升高到一定值时,火花塞两电极之间的的间隙(spark plug gap)就会被击穿而产生电火花,能够在火花塞两电极间产生电火花所需要的最低电压成为击穿电压(breakdown voltage);能够在火花塞两电极间产生电火花的全部设备称为发动机点火系。 First, it must create a voltage high enough (20,000 volt or more) to arc across the gap of spark plug, thus creating a spark strong enough to ignite the air-fuel mixture for combustion; 能够产生足以击穿火花塞间隙的电压 Second, it must control the timing of the spark so it occurs at the exact right time and send it to the correct cylinder 点火时刻应适应发动机的工作情况:点火系统应按照发动机各气缸的点火次序(firing order),在最佳时刻(firing time)进行点火。 Ignition timing 点火时刻 The ignition system must be timed accurately so that the spark occurs in the combustion chamber at the correct instant (最佳点火时刻). Incorrect timing results in loss of efficiency and power. Spark advance 点火提前 Spark retard 点火延迟 1)the primary circuit(初级电路) --- low voltage side of the system and control the secondary circuit 初级电路是系统的低压部分,控制着次级电路 2) the secondary circuit (次级电路)---the high voltage side of the system 4.Basic parts of the system Battery 电池 Ignition switch


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