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《ACCA F4 公司法商法一本通》.pdf
Chapter 1 English Legal System
I. Types of Law
1. What is law: law is a formal mechanism of social control.
☆2. Types of Law:
Case Law Legislation
Definition Law developed by the judges as they are This is law made by or on behalf of Parliament.
deciding cases
Private Law Public Law
Definition It deals with relationships and interactions It is mainly concerned with government and the
between businesses, and private individuals, operation and functions of public organisations
groups or organisations, e.g. contract and tort such as councils and local authorities, e.g.
law. Constitutional and administrative law, criminal
law and tax law.
Civil Law Criminal Law
Content Civil law sets out the rights and duties of Criminal law is a part of public law. It is
persons as between themselves. The person concerned with conduct that is considered so
whose rights have been infringed can claim a undesirable that the State punishes persons
remedy from the wrongdoer. The aim, therefore, who transgress. The aim, therefore, of the
of the civil law is to provide a means whereby an criminal law is to regulate society by the threat
injured pa
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