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KINDS OF MOTION by Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho KINDS OF MOTION In mathematical terms, the motion of the fluid elements along their own paths is considered as the superposition of different kinds of primary motions. The physical interpretation of these motions is given first by considering the simple case of a two-dimensional fluid element, where all velocities are parallel to the OX axis and depend only on (like a laminar flow between two parallel planes). Consider the infinitesimal square element ABCD of area at time and the same element at time: A1B1C1D1 (Fig. 1.1). The velocity of A and D is, and the velocity of B and C is since and in this case is a function of only. It is possible to go from ABCD to A1B1C1D1 in three successive steps. A translatory motion which gives A1B2C2D1; the speed of translation is A rotational motion which turns the diagonals A1C2 and D1B2 to A1C3 and D1B3, respectively A deformation which displaces C3 to C1 and B3 to B1. Figure 1. 1 Elementary analysis of different kinds of motion of a fluid particle. If in the limit tends to zero, C1C2 tends to zero. If this occurs the angle C2C1C3 will tend to 450 when . Hence The rate of angular rotation is: , by using trigonometric rule’s Introducing the value C2C3 previously given, it is found that the rate of angular rotation is: Similarly, the rate of deformation would be found to be equal to: In the general case, there are three major constituents of particle motions and deformations. They are: The velocity components V: translation The variation of velocity components in their own direction: dilatation The variation of velocity components with respect to a direction normal to their own direction: rotation and angular deformation These three constituents are successively discussed in the following sections. Translatory Motion Consider the particle at the point at time .The point is a corner of a small rectangular element, the edges of which are parallel to the three axes respectively (Fig.


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