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辽宁省高等教育自学考试专业(本科段) 毕业论文 沈 阳 大 学 论文题目:学生姓名: 准考证号:指导教师: 完成日期: 浅谈激励机制的作用及其运用方法 内容提要: 激励机制的有效运用,可有助于企业吸引优秀人才的加入,激励员工更加努力地工作,更好地发挥创造力,提高企业的经济效益。 企业要想在激烈的竞争中持续、健康地发展,必须降低成本,提高管理效能,必须有一套自己的人的管理方法,企业第一资源要素是人力资源,是产生核心竞争力的关键,改进和提高企业人力资源管理的职能及层次、优化人力资源能力是核心。人力资源是现代企业的战略性资源,也是企业发展的最关键的因素,而激励是人力资源的重要内容。激励的科学与否,直接关系到人力资源运用的好坏 Abstract: Human resources as the modern enterprise of a kind of strategic resources, has become the most important factor for enterprise development. In the human resources management of numerous content, incentive question is one important content of. Incentive scientific or not, relates directly to the stand or fall of human resource use. Many enterprises have a brain drain phenomenon, cannot keep talents restricts enterprise development has become one of the important factors. Effective incentive Many enterprises have a brain drain phenomenon, cannot keep talents restricts is the key to this question. Any enterprise is by the people to manage, and be in enterprise Many enterprises have a brain drain phenomenon, cannot keep talents restricts middlemans enthusiasm height, is crucial to the success of the enterprise decision factors. So, for companies to, its vigorous vitality from the employees infinite vigor, Incentive scientific or not, relates directly to the stand or fall of human resource use. how to motivate employees of energy? Must on employees effective incentive. Therefore, the enterprise human resources management core is to incentive mechanism as lever, arousing the enthusiasm of the employees, initiative. Key words: Incentives Management Action 目 录 前 言……………………………………………………………………………1 一、激励机制的含义及一般原则…………………………………………………2 (一)激励机制的含义…………………………………………………………2 (二)激励机制的一般原则……………………………………………………2 二、激励机制的作用………………………………………………………………4 (一)营造良性的竞争环境……………………………………………………4 (二)激发员工创新精神………………………………………………………5 (三)避免“本位思想”和“按酬付劳”现象………………………………5 (四)有助于留住人才、吸引人才……………………………………………5 三、激励机制运用的主要方式……………………………………………………5 (一)物质激励………………………


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