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居民小区燃气系统设计 解腾飞 摘要:设计对象为某小区燃气系统。设计的主要任务为确定室内管道的管径以及室内管道的合理布置;在庭院管网中选择合理的管道管径,以充分利用庭院管网的计算压力降。 室内管道的设计部分。由于室内管道的长度较短,其局部阻力与沿程阻力值在一个数量级上,所以必须逐个计算各个管道的局部阻力损失。以总压力降与允许的计算压力降比较,如不合适,则可改变个别管段的管径。 庭院管道的设计部分的主要问题有两个:管网的平差计算:求每环的校正流量,使所有封闭环网的代数和等于零,或者接近于零,达到工程允许的范围;经济性问题:实际压力降是否充分利用了计算压力降的数值,在一定程度上说明了计算是否达到了经济合理的效果。 关键词:计算压力降 实际压力降 流量 经济性 The Design of Gas Supply System in Residential District Xie Tengfei Abstract: The Design object is a gas system for a district. The main tasks of the design is to set the diameter and reasonable layout for the indoor pipeline and choose reasonable pipeline diameters in the yard network so as to make full use of the pressure drop calculations of the courtyard network. With respect to the design of the indoor pipeline, as the length of the indoor pipeline is short, the local resistance and the resistance along the way value are in the same magnitude, so it should calculate each local resistance pipeline loss case-by-case. Then compare the pressure drop with the allowed calculation of the pressure drop. If it isn’t appropriate, the diameter of individual pipe can be changed. The design of courtyard pipeline has two main issues. One is the net adjustment: to get the correction flow of each ring, make the algebraic sum of all the closed loop network be zero or close to zero so as to meet the permitted extent of the project. And the other is the economic issues: whether the actual pressure drop makes full advantage of the value of the pressure drop calculation can tell whether the design has reached a reasonable economic effect to some extent. Key words: the pressure drop calculations; actual pressure drop; flow; economic efficiency. 目 录 引 言 1 第1章 居民小区燃气系统设计主要任务 3 1.1 设计的基本任务 3 1.2 设计的已知条件 3 1.2.1 天然气的物理性质 3 1.2.2 居民小区燃气系统 4 第2章 设计计算部分 5 2.1 天然气的物理性质计算 5 2.1.1 天然气平均分子量计算 5 2.1.2 天然气平均密度计算 5 2.1.3 天然气运动粘度计算 6 2.2 室内燃气管道的水力计算 7 2.2.1 计算管段计算流量 10 2.2.2 确定管段的长度,预选管径 12 2.2.3 确定局部阻力系数 13 2.2.4 确定管段当量长度 14 2.2.5 确定管段计算长度 18 2.2.6 确定管段阻力损失 19 2


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