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科类 工科 学号2011310535 本科生毕业论文 沼气发酵反应釜的研究与设计 Research and design of anaerobic fermentation reaction kettle 指导教师: 职称 大学 昆明 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 年级: 11级 论文提交日期: 2015-05-13 答辩日期: 2015-05-17 答辩委员会主任: 年 月 日 沼气发酵反应釜的研究与设计 摘要 随着传统能源的消耗与污染问题日益增加,可再生能源如风能、太阳能、生物质能逐渐成为现代能源的重要组成部分。生物质能以其环保及节能的优点,越来越受到人们的重视。可以预测到在未来的能源消耗中可再生资源将扮演者重要的角色。 我国是农业大国,农业的迅速发展为我国城镇居民提供丰富的粮食等农副产品的同时,其生产过程中产生的大量秸秆废弃物如果处理不当,直接焚烧或大量堆积,不仅会造成资源浪费,还会严重污染周边的水体,土壤及空气,对人类和生态环境造成危害。与各种处理方法相比,厌氧发酵技术因其具有显著的能源、生态,经济和环保效益, 而广泛地应用于处理有机废弃物,这将促进生态农业建设。 我们主要设计一套用于作物秸秆发酵产生沼气实验设备,装置由发酵罐部分与集气装置部分组成, 具有操作方便,浆叶要求设计为可以进行调节(主要包括桨叶的类型、桨叶的高度、桨叶转速的大小),整套发酵装置要求拆装方便,有相应的检测及控制装置, 运行稳定等特点, 适宜于实验室研究使用。 关键词: 生物质能、作物秸秆、厌氧发酵、发酵罐。 Research and design of anaerobic fermentation reaction kettle As the traditional energy consumption and pollution problem increasingly, renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass energy has gradually become an important part of modern energy. Biomass for its environmental protection and energy saving advantages, more and more get peoples attention. Can predict the future of the energy consumption of renewable resources will plays an important role. The rapid development of our country is agricultural country, agriculture for urban residents in China rich in grain and other agricultural and sideline products, the production process of a large number of straw waste if not handled properly, direct burning or a large number of accumulation, not only will cause the waste of resources, will seriously pollute nearby bodies of water, soil and air, cause a harm to human and ecological environment. Compared with all kinds of processing methods, anaerobic fermentation technology because of its remarkable energy, ecological, economic and environmental benefits, and widely


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