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摘 要 “企业文化”一词于上世纪八十年代初在世界上刚刚形成的就由国外引进我国,伴随着我国改革开放三十多年,我国企业飞速发展的同时,经历了三十年多年的吸收、消化和发展。中央到地方各级政府都不断的推出加强企业文化建设或推动企业文化建设的指导意见和精神文件。可以说,在目前阶段无论是国有企业,还是民营企业;无论是钢铁、IT行业,还是酒店、路桥行业……都在大张旗鼓地搞企业文化。企业文化的概念在问世短短的三十多年里,就已经成为一个企业不可分割的一部分,企业文化战略在企业的发展战略规划中占据着不能忽视的比重。可以说,一个企业的文化就像是这个企业的灵魂一般,体现企业的性格,左右着企业的成长,影响着企业的寿命。 广东华光公司,是我国改革开放中出现的典型企业,在它的组建过程中,包含了国家机构、国有企业、民营企业的参与,以股份制的形式共同进行管理。在广东华光公司成立至今的近二十年时间里,它的企业文化建设非常具有我国国有参股企业的代表性。本人收集了大量的资料,进行分析,优化提炼。并对广东华光公司进行实地考察,与公司领导和员工进行深入交流,以理论为依据,从公司的各个方面入手,得出广东华光公司近二十年来企业文化建设的基本情况,管理方式。且在中国改革开放不断深化的过程中,广东华光公司随着企业的性质的改变,企业文化建设也必定会受到相应的影响,寻求企业文化的变革与发展也是华光公司所要面临的巨大挑战。本人也将对比国内外企业、国营与民营企业之间的文化差别,提出探讨性的文化改革论证。 关键词:企业文化 发展 变革 Abstract The reform and opening-up policy has been proposed for more than 30 years. By the same time, Chinese industries have a rapid development, and also the enterprise culture has a great development since it has been introduced to Chinese. Now, enterprise culture has been an important part of a company. The central and the local government introduce many policies on the development of the enterprise culture in this 30 years.Today, not only the state-owned enterprises pay a great attention to the enterprise culture, but also the private enterprises are. Those enterprises covering almost all of industries in China, including iron and steel manufacturing, IT, hotel, transportation, and so on. In another word, enterprise culture is the soul of one enterprise, it is the determinant of the growth of enterprise. Guangdong HuaGuang company, is one of typical enterprise which was builded in the reform and opening-up period. It is managed by the official, the state-owned enterprise and the private enterprise together. I think it must challenged much in the process of the reform and opening-up. So to understand its development process, we did a lot of investigation in its enterprise culture and management style in this 20 years. This paper will also show exploratory argument by cultural reforms to contrast the cultural differences betw


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