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MIM行業報告: 台灣與中國MIM行業的元年 Status Report and Expectation of MIM: The first year of MIM Industry on Taiwan and China 鐿鈦科技股份有限公司 邱耀弘博士/MIM事業處專案顧問 Dr. Q 2015/4/17 台北 台灣 摘要 ABSTRACT 2015年, 可稱是台灣與中國的MIM產業元年, 經過兩岸同胞過去的齊心努力, 以及德美 日的先進供應商導引,MIM技術得以公平, 和平的在中國 - 世界製造 中心這片土地上, 綻開朵並且結果, 讓我們共同分享這美好時代的開啟. The 2015, I claim this is ”The first year of MIM industry in Taiwan and China”. Through Chinese and Taiwan technical team efforts in the past few years, and we also thanks for advanced suppliers guiding from Germany, America, and Japan at the same time. The MIM (Metal- powder Injection Molding) technology had blossom fruit and mature with public, fair, and peace in this land of world manufacturing center - China. Let us share this age of beauty been open. 三十功名塵與土 八千里路雲和月 (岳飛 - 滿江紅) 這是宋代名將-嶽飛的名作詞曲, 取其中兩句來描述各位從事MIM行業的先進們!向您 們致敬! Two sentences were from Chinese poetry, the author is a star general: Yue Fei. Them are very fit to describe all MIM makers in Chinese and/or Taiwan. Let me transfer them in English as below : We worked on powders and feedstock for thirty years. (Since 1995 to 2015 and next decade!) We walked through eight thousand miles company with the moon and clouds. 內容 CONTENT  MIM綜觀臺灣與中國 Overview of MIM in Taiwan and China  MIM技術在中國得以普及的要素 Elements of MIM technology can be popularized in China  明星MIM產品回顧 Star products review  再開拓一個黃金十年的勇氣 Let’s open up next golden decade  結論 Conclusion MIM綜觀中國與臺灣 Overview of MIM in Taiwan and China 金屬粉末注射成形製造流程 FLOW CHART OF MIM 材料形式 Material forms 金屬粉末 燒結件 Metal powder 餵料


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