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机电产品采购 国际竞争性招标文件 The Bidding Documents For ICB Procurement of Mechanic Electronic Products (第一册) (Volume One) 目 录 Table of Contents 第一册 Volume One 第1章投标人须知 1-5 Section One Instructions to Bidders 1-5 一、 说明 1-5 A Explanation 1-5 1. 资金来源Source of Funds 1-5 2. 招标机构及合格的投标人Tendering Agent for ICB Procurement of Mechanic and Electronic Products and Eligible Bidders 1-5 3. 合格的货物和服务Eligible Goods and Services 1-6 4. 投标费用 Cost of Bid 1-6 二、 招标文件 1-6 B The Bidding Documents 1-6 5. 招标文件的编制依据与构成Basis and Content of Bidding Documents 1-6 6. 招标文件的澄清Clarification of Bidding Documents 1-7 7. 招标文件的修改Amendment of Bidding Documents 1-7 三、 投标文件的编制 1-8 8. 投标的语言Language of Bid 1-8 9. 投标文件的组成 Content comprising the Bid 1-8 10. 投标文件的编写Bid Form 1-8 11. 投标报价Bid Prices 1-9 12. 投标货币Bid Currency 1-10 13. 证明投标人合格和资格的文件Documents Establishing Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualifications 1-10 14 证明货物的合格性和符合招标文件规定的文件Documents Establishing Goods, Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents 1-11 15 投标保证金Bid Security 1-12 16 投标有效期Period of Validity of bids 1-13 17 投标文件的样式和签署Format and Signing of Bids 1-13 四、 投标文件的递交 1-14 D Submission of bids 1-14 18 投标文件的密封和标记Sealing and Marking of Bids 1-14 19 投标截止期Deadline for Submission of Bids 1-14 20 迟交的投标文件 Late Bids 招标机构将拒绝并原封退回在本须知第19条规定的截止期后收到的任何投标文件。 1-15 21 投标文件的修改与撤回 Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 1-15 五、 开标与评标 1-15 E Opening and Evaluation of Bids 1-15 22 开标Opening of Bid 1-15 23 投标文件的澄清Clarification of bids 1-16 24 投标文件的初审 Preliminary Examination 1-16 25 转换为单一货币 Conversion to Single Currency 1-18 26 投标的评价 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 1-18 27 最终评标价的确定Determination of Final Evaluated Bid Price 1-22 28 与招标机构和买方的接触Contacting the Tendering Agent and the Tenderer 1-22 六、 授予合同 1-22 F Award of Contract 1-22 29 合同授予前的审查 Check before Contract Award 1-22 30 合同授予标准Award Criteria 1-23 31 网上注册、公示与质疑 Registration on website, Publication and Query of Evaluation Result 1-23 32 拒绝任何或所有投标的权力Right to Reject any or All Bids 1-24 33 中标通知书 Notification of Awar


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