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refer to, be, be called definition therefore, thus, so, as a result result, outcome find, discover findings, discovery 1. ____________ the Qin Dynasty the Song Dynasty the Ming Dynasty the Qing Dynasty Generalization 时间类 Dynasties Time Period When … Tip 7:记住常用归纳词。 2. _________ in the park in the mountain in the lake by the sea 地点类 Places Generalization Location Area Region Where … 3. _________ conservative stone-hearted strong-willed easy-going 特点类 Character Feature Personality … Characteristics Generalization 4.原因类 Reason Cause Why Source Root Generalization … 5.目的类 Purpose Aim Goal Target Intention … Generalization 6.结果类 Effect Ending Result … Consequence Outcome Generalization 7.方法类 Measure Method Means … Suggestion Way Solution Generalization Advice 8.观点类 View Opinion Summary … Conclusion Attitude Point Generalization 9.比较类 Similarity Contrast Difference Comparison … Generalization 10.种类类 Variety Type Classification Species Category Kind … Generalization Step 4 Practise and improve. First DIY (about 12 minutes for you), then work in groups of four and report your answers. Step 5: Let’s summarize 文章 表格 (简单 明了 准确) 抓住文章的框架及每段大意 理解文章内容正确获取信息 分析表格结构和内容准确定位填空的要求 (以时间 地点 因果对比性设题) 直接信息题 查读 组织信息题 转换信息 正确表述 综合信息题 归纳概括 复查 (答案不唯一,忠于原文) Passage B 71. Apprenticeship 72. classroom learning 73. the majority 74. theoretical 75. at the beginning 76. a journeyman’s wages 77. many well-trained workers. 78. being laid off 79. Results 80. another pay increase Let’s share what you are puzzled about? 1.归纳文中要点,整合零散信息,科学地表述所获信息。 2.每空不超过3个词。 3. 湖南2005年高考出现。 4.阅读填空题最显著的特点是:既考察学生的阅读理解能力,又考查学生的书面表达能力。 试题特点分析 5.设题类型 : 直接信息题 组织信息题 概括信息题 (标题归纳/段落归纳) 试题特点分析 Step 3: Discuss in groups of Four and tell me which type the answer in Passage B belongs to. Step 4 Let’s practise! My answer: 直接信息题: 组织信息题: 概


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