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* * REFERENCE FOR MORE ON ORIGINS OF TAKT TIME: This term is an interesting example of a word moving from region to region until it is now becoming standard in German, Japanese, and English. The word itself, meaning a precision interval of time, as in musical meter, was first introduced in German industry as it embraced mass production in the 1930s. German aircraft firms moved aircraft fuselages ahead to the next workstation at steady intervals determined by the Takt time. Mitsubishi imported the term in its German form for its own aircraft production efforts in Japan and the term was later taken up by Toyota. It has only crept into English in the last decade as lean thinking has spread. For the historical details see Kazou Wada, The Emergence of the Flow Production Method in Japan, in Haruhito Shiomi and Kazuo Wada, Fordism Transformed: The Development of Production Methods in the Automobile Industry (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Later research led to the information that the specific German production line in question was the one for the Junker airplane. Source: James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones, Lean Thinking, 1996 * * DO: Review the definition for TAKT time here and the exact calculation. Here is an example of a TAKT time calculation. The inputs are the customer demand is 350 units per shift, there are 8 hours per shift, an unpaid lunch and two 15 minute paid breaks. Start by calculating the gross available time which is 8 hours * 60 minutes per hour * 60 seconds per minute. Subtract from this total the breaks (30 minutes * 60 seconds per minute) for a total available time of 27,000 seconds. Note, in this case there is a paid lunch. To calculate the TAKT time, divide 27,000 seconds by 350 units to get 77 a TAKT time of 77 seconds. * * SAY: “The Standard Work Combination Sheet looks like this. The first operation is to pick the raw material (2 seconds of manual time), then, operation #2 is to unload and start the mill. In this step, there are


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