Goals and Objectives - Silicon Speech.ppt

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Goals and Objectives - Silicon Speech.ppt

Take Home Messages PHONETIC CLASSIFICATION APPEARS TO BE A PRIMARY FACTOR UNDERLYING THE ABILITY TO CORRECTLY RECOGNIZE WORDS Many different analyses (to follow) support this conclusion Consonants appear to be more important than vowels SYLLABLE STRUCTURE IS ALSO AN IMPORTANT FACTOR FOR ACCURATE RECOGNITION The pattern of errors differs across the syllable (onset, nucleus, coda) and exhibit consistent patterns difficult to discern with other units of analysis STRESS-ACCENT MAY PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE, PARTICULARLY FOR UNDERSTANDING THE NATURE OF WORD-DELETION ERRORS Relation among stress-accent, syllable structure, vocalic identity and length THE NATURE OF PRONUNCIATION MODELS and THEIR RELATION TO LEXICAL REPRESENTATIONS IS A POTENTIALLY KEY FACTOR The unit of lexical representation (phones, articulatory features, etc.) is probably of the utmost importance for optimizing ASR performance FUTURE PROGRESS IN ASR SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT IS LIKELY TO DEPEND ON DEEP INSIGHT INTO THE NATURE OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE Structure of the Presentation DESCRIPTION OF THE CORPUS MATERIALS FOR THE 2000 AND 2001 EVALUATIONS 2000 – Brief (2-17 s) utterances spoken by hundreds of different speakers. No relation to competitive evaluation 2001 – A subset of the competitive evaluation BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE ANALYSIS REGIME COMMON TO THE 2000 AND 2001 PHONETIC EVALUATIONS File formats, time-mediated alignment, statistical analysis of the corpora, etc. Details are contained in “Linguistic Dissection …..” (in workshop notebook) and in “An Introduction ….” (NIST Speech Transcription Workshop, 2000) ANALYSES AND PATTERNS COMMON TO BOTH 2000 and 2001 EVALUATIONS Syllable structure, phonetic segments, articulatory-acoustic features. Details pertaining to the 2000 evaluation are in the papers cited above PHONETIC CONFUSION MATRICES FOR THE 2001 EVALUATION FUTURE ANALYSIS PLANNED FOR THIS SPRING WHEN REMAINING 2001 SUBMISSIONS ARRIVE Relationship between phonetic classificatio


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