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摘要 随着生活水平的提高,人们对家居安全提出了更高的要求,希望能够随时获得家居的实时图像信息。无线数码相机图象传输系统正是在这样的应用背景下开发的。无线数码相机图象传输系统主要完成对图象的采集、传输和显示三个功能。MCU选择了Ateml公司的Atmega644p芯片。图象的采集功能由C3088数码相机模块的Omnivision OV7620图像传感器来实现,Atmega644p只需对C3088数码相机模块进行控制,发送命令就可以实现图像采集:图象的传输由Atmel AT86RF230型微功率无线数传模块来完成:图象的接收通过计算机的串口实现。将二进制数据先存在一个文件中:当完成一帧图像数据接收后,将存在文件中的数据解码,以流的形式写入、显示在image组件中。 单片机的开发采用汇编语言。该系统运行的是单片机多任务系统,采用模块化结构设计,通用性好。同时,软件抗干扰措施方面也是必不可少的。 硬件设计是通过dxp软件实现的,电路本着pcb板尽量小的原则设计的。在设计过程中采取了硬件抗干扰措施,使系统可以可靠的工作。 该系统具有体积小,可靠性高,专业性强,性价比高等优点。实验验证,该系统能满足图像无线传输的功能。 关键词:单片机,图像无线传输,串口通讯,抗干扰 Abstract With the improvement of peoples life,people take great attention to homeS safety and the real image of home is needed anytime.So the wireless digital video camera image transferred system iS researched and designed.SystemS main functions are capturing image,compressing image and transferring image.The Atmel atmega644p is selected as MCU chip which is produced by atmel corporation.The C3088 digital camera module captures image;Atmega644p only need to carry on a control to ZM460 digital camera module and send out the order to capture image;the image is transferred by the Atmel AT86RF230 chips wireless data transmission module;The image is received via the computerS corn port. The procedure adopted mscomm to ccomplish com communication and store the binary system data in a file.After receiving a frame picture data,the procedure decode the data,which is stored in the file,and write as data stream and show in the image module. The exploit of microcontrolter adopte saaemble language.Assemble language is a kind of structured programming language,which has many characteristics of other hiah-level languages.What that system circulate is singelchip multitask mode and software explitation adopt building block design.ItS commonality is good.Besides,software anti-jamming measure is necessary. The hardware is designed via DXP software.The electric circuit is designed in the light of a principle of as far


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