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1. The funnel is a casing used for exhaust pipes from the engines.烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机。 2. The satellite antenna is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection. 人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气. 3. The galley(船上或航空器上的)厨房(军舰或海军基地的)食堂停泊, 系泊(船只) 使停泊;使固定海底,海床不动的; 静止的,固定的;不可移动的he bulbous bow is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction摩擦; 摩擦力7. The bow thruster is placed in the front of the ship under the water,which eases berthing (船舶的)停泊位或锚位or manoeuvering sideways斜着, 斜向一边at slow speed 船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。 8. The man in charge of a ship is Master. He is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the safety of the crew. 船上负全责的人是船长. 他对整艘船负责, 以及对船上的货物和全体船员的安全负责. 9. The chief officer is the head of the deck department.大副是甲板部的首领。 10. This is the sign (Fig. 1) for muster station. 召集站集合地点 12. Length overall is the length of ship measured from extreme points of the ship forward and aft重心前后限 全长是船舶长度测量是从船的前后推导的重心极值点的长度。 13. Amidships在船中部,在船腹 垂直的;成直角的2.?直立的最大宽’s side shell plating船壳边板舷侧外板’s side shell plating on the other side. 最大宽测量是在船中间和船外部的船壳边板, 从一边到另一边. 15. Molded breath measured at midship section and taken from inside the ship’s shell on one side to inside the ship’s side shell on the other side. 型宽的测量是在船中部, 从船的内壳一边到另一边. 16. Extreme draft is taken from the lower most point最低点 (船的)龙骨夏季载重水线型吃水基线;底线. Extreme depth最大深度is the depth of the vessel船, 舰at ships side from the upper deck to the lowest point of the keel 最大深度是船只的深度, 从船舷从上层甲板到龙骨的最低点. 19. Molded depth from baseline to top of the upper deck breadth at the ship’s side amidships. 型深是在船腹侧面, 从基线到上层甲板宽. 20. Right at the top is the deck line. It is 300 mm long and 25 mm wide with its upper edge in line with the uppermost continuous watertight deck. 正顶部是甲板线, 300mm长25mm宽, 上沿与最高的不漏水的舱面。垂直地;直立地载重线标圈载重线标圈载重线标圈载重线标圈载重线标志热带载重线区热带载重线区”T”处. 24. When a ship is in summer zone and in the seawater of density 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of th


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