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加亮的为新题,要么是常考的,部分加亮的是154的 不加亮的普通的题,还有一些简单的题被我删了。ID=162977意思是这个题在机考题库里面的位置是16万2977 。 以前你们对一些题有怀疑的,在这里都以这里的答案为准!!! 慢慢看吧。 620: Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in __________. a. capital letters b. italics c. boldface print d. underlined letters 2126: Your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical letters. This indicates the __________. a. rock is visible at low water springs only b. rock is a hazard to deep draft vessels only c. rock is dry at high water d. exact position of the rock is doubtful A.海图标题栏,大写,斜体-实测水深,黑粗体-不准,下划线 四套考卷 [1440]Where would you find information about the time of high tide at a specific location on a particular day of the year? A.Tide Tables B.Tidal Current Tables C.Coast Pilot D.Nautical Almanac KEY:A在一年中某个特定的地方,你能从什么地方找到该地区的高潮信息?潮汐表中 ID=162977 [2429] For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be ________ . A.considered 考虑过 B.consulted 参考 C.concluded 推断 D.commanded 命令 KEY:B 大比例尺海图的灯光资料和英版灯光表应该被参考过 ID=218071 [2516]The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body,caused by refraction,increases as the ______. A.horizontal parallax decreases 地平视差减少 B.observers height above sea level increases 观测者的高度在海平面以上增加 C.humidity of the atmosphere decreases 大气的湿度减少 D.altitude of the body decreases 天体高度降低 KEY:D 误差在测量天体高度中,由于折射,随天体高度的降低而增加 . ID=218091 [2601]The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and______. A.deviation B.annual rate of variation change C.precession D.compass error KEY:B海图上罗经花显示磁差和每年磁差的该变量 ID=218101 [2401] The short-long dashed magenta line around Gardiners Island marks ________ . A.fish trap areas B.naval exercise areas C.underwater cables D.recommended track lines KEY:A.一条洋红色长短虚线标记为捕鱼区 ID=1653 序号=6 答案=A An important point to note when you open a navigation chart is to note whether the depths are ______. A.in


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