斯德哥尔摩 介绍 演讲课件.ppt

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Geographical location Stockholm is Swedens capital, made up of 4 parts, a population of about 2 million, an area of 142 square kilometres. because a beautiful environment, the Venice of the North in the world. 斯德哥尔摩市是瑞典的首都,由4个部分组成,人口大约2百万,面积142平方公里.因为环境优美,有“北方威尼斯”的美誉。 Stockholm in English means wood island. 斯德哥尔摩在英语里意为“木头岛”。 The city was founded in the mid thirteenth Century。At that time, local residents often attacked by pirates,So people in the sea at an island with giant trees built a castle, and set a barrier in the water, in order to resist the pirates, so the island will be named wood island. 城市始建于公元13世纪中叶。那时,当地居民常常遭到海盗侵扰,于是人们便在梅拉伦湖的入海处的一个小岛上用巨木修建了一座城堡,并在水中设置木桩障碍,以便抵御海盗,因此这个岛便得名为“木头岛”。 The building itself, Stockholm City Hall is a unique shape, magnificently ornate buildings; on the function itself, Stockholm City Hall, and City Hall is no different from other European cities, this is held town hall meetings and City Hall corporate offices, but it is also the year the trophy final attribution of the Nobel Awards. 就建筑本身而言,斯德哥尔摩市政厅是一座造型别致、装潢华美的建筑;就功用本身而言,斯德哥尔摩市政厅与欧洲其他城市的市政厅并无二致,这里是市政会议的召开地和市府公务的办公地,只是,它同时也是每年诺贝尔各奖杯最终归属的揭晓地。 Stockholm Cathedral is one of the most sacred spiritual sustenance of local peoples minds, is located between the Palace and the Nobel Museum. Church built in the 13th century (the middle ages), and the city of Stockholm has almost the same age, is the oldest church in the urban areas. 斯德哥尔摩大教堂可谓是当地市民心中最神圣的心灵寄托地之一了,位于皇宫和诺贝尔博物馆之间。教堂建造于13世纪(中世纪),几乎和斯德哥尔摩这座城市有着相同的年纪,是市区内最古老的教会。 Fire causes such as alterations and construction of several times, until the latter half of the 15th century, taking into account the balance and the Palace, that ultimately determines the overall appearance, inherited Italy Baroque style. Sweden Royal family Royal ceremony held, private location. 2010 Sweden Princess wedding right here. 因为火灾等原因数次改建和增建,一直到了15世纪后半叶,考虑到与皇宫的均衡性,才最终确定了整体的建筑外观,承袭着意大利巴洛克样式。 瑞典王室皇家典礼举办的专用场所。2010年瑞典公主就是在这里举行婚礼的。 N


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