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不可数名词 Cheese n. 乳酪,干酪 bread n. 面包 soap n. 肥皂 chocolate n. 巧克力 sugar n. 糖 coffee n. 咖啡 tea n. 茶(叶) tobacco n. 烟草,烟丝 大家观察下 这些单词有什么共同点呢?? 这些词都是不可数名词。不可数名词前面不能直接加不定冠词”a”或”an”,并且它们也没有复数形式。 量 词 a loaf of bread a bar of soap a piece of cheese a bottle of milk a pound of sugar a quarter of a tin of tobacco 一块/条/个 (棱角不分明的长方体) 一块/条 (棱角分明的长方体) 一张/块/片/条 (薄片切片等较薄的) 一瓶 一磅 (0.4536KG=0.907斤) 四分之一 一听 造 句 there be句型 表示某地有某物 There is a/an +可数名词单数 There is some +不可数名词 在盘子里有一些乳酪。 There is some cheese on the plate.变疑问 Is there any cheese on the plate? 在盘里有几片面包。 There is some bread on the plate. 变疑问 Is there any bread on the plate? 在盒子里有一些香皂。 There is some soap in the box. 疑问 Is there any soap in the box? 变疑问(一调二变三问号) some 用于肯定句 any用于疑问和否定句 若是可数名词怎么变疑问句呢? spoon? 盘子里有一个勺子 There is a spoon on the plate Is there a spoon on the plate? 书本打开 84页 SAN: Is that bag heavy(重的), Penny? PENNY: Not very(口语化). 省略形式: 全句: It is not very heavy. SAN: Here! Put it on this chair. Whats in it? 放这儿!放到椅子上来。里面是什么东西啊? it 指bag What‘s in it?里面是什么东西? 在不知道里面有什么东西的情况下我们一般用系动词单数形式is ,而不用are. e.g. --What’s in your bag? -- Three books. PENNY: A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread. A bar of soap. A bar of Chocolate. A bottle of milk. three pieces of cheese 三块乳酪 (复数加在量词piece 的后面) piece还可以指条,片, 张等。 a piece of paper 一张纸 PENNY: A piece of cheese. A loaf of bread. A bar of soap. A bar of Chocolate. A bottle of milk. 一个面包 loaf (单)----loaves(复) A pound of sugar. Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco. half 一半 half a year 半年 half a pound 半磅 half a pound of sth. A pound of sugar. Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco. 四分之一磅茶叶 quarter 四分之一,一刻钟,一季 a quarter of …. …..的四分之一 a quarter of a pound 一磅的四分之一(四分之一磅) A pound of sugar. Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of pound of tea. And a tin of tobacco. 一听烟丝。 SAN: Is that t


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