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Chapter 11 Shipment Shipment Teaching Objectives Know what are relative to shipment Know the essential components of a letter of shipment Master typical sentences and expressions Shipment 1. Modes of transport and receipt documents (1) By Road: Cargo Receipt 承运货物收据 (2) By Rail: Consignment Note 铁路运单 (3) By Sea: Charter Party (租船契约)or a Bill of Lading(提单) (4) By Air: Air Waybill (空运提单或航空货运单) (5) By inland waterway: 内陆水路 (6) Combined transport: MTD (Multimodal Transport Document) Shipment 1. chartering the ship(租船运输) (1) 定程租船 / 航次租船(Voyage /Trip charter) (2) 定期租船(Time charter) (3) 光船租船(Bareboat / Demise charter) Charter Party: 租船契约 2. book shipping space / book freight 订舱位 ? liners(班轮运输) Bill of Lading: 海运提单 Types of B/L 1. 已装船提单 (on board B/L ; shipped B/L) 备运提单 (received for Shipment B/L) 2. 清洁提单 (Clean B/L) 不清洁提单 (Unclean B/L ; Foul B/L) 3. 直达运输提单 (Direct B/L) 转船提单 (Transshipment? B/L ) 联运提单 (Through B/L) 4. 记名提单 (Straight B/L) 不记名提单 (Blank B/L, Bearer B/L) 指示提单 (Order B/L) Shipping Parties (当事人): ----Consignor/Shipper (发货人), who send the goods; ----Consignee (收货人), who receives goods at destination; ----Carrier (承运人),who carries the goods; ----Forwarder(货运代理人), who represents the carriers Model Letter 11-1 1. Voyage No.: 海运船名、航次 Seal No.: 铅封号 2. ETD: Estimated Time of Departure 预计驶离时间 3. ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间 Model Letter 11-2 1. set forth: 陈述;阐明;出发 2. Packing List: 装箱单,包装清单 3. Survey Report: 检验报告,公证报告 4. in perfect condition: 状况完好,完好无损 in good / sound condition;in good order in poor/bad condition: 状况不好;In damaged condition 损坏/破损状态;In wet/moldy condition 受潮状态;in musty condition 发霉现象 Sample Letter 11-1 1. EMP: European main port 欧洲主要港口 英国的 London 法国的 Marseilles 意大利的 Genoa 德国的 Hamburg 荷兰的 Rotterdam 比利时的 Antwerp 丹麦的 Copenhagen Sample Letter 11-1 2. take loads: load: v. 装货,装载;n.(一船)货物,装载量 E.g. The steamer is loaded with


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