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摘 要 留守儿童现象是中国经济转型时期农村剩余劳动力大量涌入城市的产物,父母外出务工造成原本稳定的家庭结构出现事实上的不完整,直接导致留守儿童家庭教育的缺失,使得成长中的留守儿童在学习能力、生活质量、道德规范、心理健康等各方面受到严重影响。其原因在于父母对子女教育的失责、监护人的监护无力、政府和学校的工作缺位。要解决好家庭教育的缺失问题需要社会、学校、家庭三方共同来发挥作用,为留守儿童创造一个优良的成长环境。 本研究论文以随州市随县唐县镇砂子小学留守儿童家庭教育现状为例从五个方面进行了分析探讨: 第一部分:问题提出的背景及其研究意义,分析国内外研究现状,确定本文的研究思路与方法。 第二部分:对随州市农村“留守儿童儿童儿童儿童儿童Abstract Left-behind children phenomenon is the massive influx of rural surplus labor in Chinas economic transition period the product of the city, parents migrant originally stable family structure in fact incomplete, a direct result of left-behind children lack of family education, make the growth of left-behind children in learning ability, the quality of life, ethics, and so on various aspects of mental health severely affected. The childrens education is the reason for this is that parents and guardians are many guardianship weakness, lack of government and school work. To solve the problem of the lack of good family education need society, school, family, three sides to work together, create a good growing environment for the left-behind children. In this research paper draws with the county town of two sand primary school left-behind children family education present situation as the example is analyzed from five aspects to discuss: The first part: the background of the problem and the research significance, and analysis of domestic and foreign research present situation, determine the research ideas and methods. The second part: the rural draws left-behind children family education present situation investigation, this paper draws the county town of two sand completely left-behind children aged between 6 and 12 years in primary school and their parents, guardians as investigation object, and adopts various survey methods, such as observation, questionnaire and interview from family left-behind children and their parents family education present situation; Left-behind children guardian basic situation and its family education implementati


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