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大学英语4级考试(词汇)复习笔记 Ⅰ形近易混淆单词 abstract, contract abstract a. 抽象的;深奥的 n. 摘要,提要:an abstract of this article contract n. ①契约,合同 ②婚约 vt. ①订(合同):contract a marriage 订婚 ② 收缩 ③承包 [考] make a contract with sb 与某人订契约 academy, academic academy n. 私立中学;专科院校:an academy of music 音乐学院 academic a. 学院的,理论的 acceptable, acceptance acceptable a. 可接受的,合意的:This gift is very acceptable. 这礼物非 常受欢迎。 acceptance n. ①接受,接纳②承认,认可: The proposal has gained acceptance from the committee. access, recess, exceed access n. ①接近的机会:He is easy of access. 他很容易接近。 ② 通道,入口:The access to a building 进入大楼的 通道 recess vt. 休假,休息 exceed vt. ①超过,胜过:The concert exceeded our expectation. 音乐会比我们预料的好。②越出:exceed conventional rules 越出常规 accompany, companion accompany vt. ①陪伴,陪同:She accompanied me to the doctors. 她 陪我去看了医生。 companion n. 同伴,伴侣 accurate, curious accurate a. 准确的,正确无误的:an accurate clock curious a. 好奇的 [考] bu curious about 好奇,想打听 achieve, grieve achieve vt. 完成,实现,达到:to achieve goals. 实现目标 grieve v. ① (for/over) 感到悲痛,伤心:She is still grieving for her dead husband. 她仍在为它已故的丈夫伤心。②使伤心,为………而伤心:It grieves me to see him in such bad health. acquaintance, acquaint acquaintance n. ①认识,了解 [同]knowledge ②熟人 acquaint vt. ①使了解 ②使认识 adjust, adapt adjust vt. ① (to) 调整,调节:He adjusted himself to the heat of the Country. 他使自己适应了这个国家的炎热。② 校正:adjust The watch adapt vt. ① (to) 使适应:It is hard to adapt oneself to this hot weather. ② 改编:This book is adapted into a play. affect, affection, defect affect vt. ① 影响:Smoking affects health. 吸烟影响健康。② 感动: I was affected by her words. affection n. 慈爱,爱;爱慕 [考] gain sb’s affection 赢得某人的爱 defect n. 过失缺点:defects in a system of education 教育制度上的缺 陷 agent, agony agent n. 代理人,代理商:a shipping agent 运货代理商 agony n. 极度痛苦:He lay in agony until his mother arrived. altitude, attitude, latitude altitude n. 高度,海拔:an alt


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