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American Literature Lecture 1 A General Introduction 张慧 hzhang8311@126.com An Outline of American Literature 1607-1765 Colonial American Literature 1765-1800 Revolutionary American Literature 1800-1865 Romanticism 1865-1918 Realism 1918-1945 Modernism 1945- Contemporary American Literature 1607 The first permanent settlement in north America was established at Jamestown, Virginia. 1765 The Stamp Act 1800 Voting begins in the United States presidential election U.S. President John Adams becomes the first President of the United States to live in the Executive Mansion (later renamed the White House). 1865 The Civil War ended 1918 The end of WWI Colonial American Literature Time early 17th century - the middle of 18th century Dominant Thoughts: Puritanism Literary Forms: travelogue, journal, reports, letters historical records, religious tracts, pious poetry Major Writers: Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor Characteristics: religious, moral, political, historical and practical Revolutionary American Literature Time: 1765 – the end of 18th Century Dominant Thoughts: American Enlightenment Literary Forms Political pamphlets and state papers Major Writers: Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography Thomas Jefferson Thomas Paine Philip Freneau, “The Wild Honey Suckle” American Romanticism Time The first half of the 19th century Dominant Thoughts Domestic Factors Foreign influences Literary Forms Essays, poems, short stories and novels Romanticism is characterized by a heightened interest in nature emphasis on the individual’s expression of emotion and imagination departure from the attitudes and forms of classicism rebellion against established social rules and conventions Major Writers and Representative works Early Romantic Writers New England Transcendentalists Early Romantic writers Washington Irving The first important writer in American literature The Sketch Book Rip Van Winkle The Legend of Sleepy Hollow James


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