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学校网站平台设计与实现 摘要:随着计算机技术普及,网络的飞速发展,学校办公网的日益成熟,学校网站建设工作的展开势在必行。在这一背景下,拟设搭建学校网站平台,其站点的实现旨在提供教务工作、学生工作、教学工作等信息的无纸化管理平台。该系统的实现可以借助计算机现代信息技术进行系相关的宣传、公告、通知等工作,加大师生对实时信息的获取,更有助于师生对学校各个方面的了解,使学生更好地学习,教师更好地工作,以提高行政管理工作的效率及质量。 本文主要研究构建学校网站平台的基本原理和关键技术,包括平台的选择和搭建、开发工具的选择和搭建、数据库的选择和搭建、网站设计与布局等等。具体工作有: (1)开发环境的搭建。此工作中包括了本地服务器的搭建配置,程序编辑器的安装,调试工具的安装等等。 (2)系统需求分析。根据提供的要求,建立需求分析文档,根据文档进行页面设计。 (3)网站页面设计与布局。根据提供的需求,需要设计些什么页面,各页面应该怎么布局。 关键词:测试;服务器;布局 School Website Platform Design And Implementation Abstract: With the popularization of computer technology, the rapid development of network and the school office network is increasingly mature, the construction of school website is imperative. Under this background, the implementation of proposing to build the school web site platform is to provide the paperless management platform such as academic affairs, student work and teaching work. The implementation of the system can make use of modern computer technology to do the work of related publicity, announcements, notices, etc. Increase teachers and students access to real-time information, it help teachers and students better understand all aspects of school, and make students learn better, teachers work better, to improve the efficiency and quality of the administrative work. This paper studies the basic principles and key technologies of building a school website platform, including platform selection and construction, the choice of development tools and structures, the choice of database and build, web site design and layout and so on. The specific works are as follows: (1).The construction of the development environment. This work includes the construction of the local server configuration, the installation of the program editor, the installation of debugging tools, etc. (2).The analysis of system requirements. Establish the requirements analysis document according to the requirement of the offer, and design according to the document page. (3).Web page design and layout. We should con


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