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科技英语翻译基本技巧 [例8] The letter I stands for the current in amperes,E the electromotive force in volts,and R the resistance in ohms. 字母I代表电流的安培,E代表电动势的伏特,R代表电阻的欧姆。(增补原文中的省略成分) [例9] The signal-to-noise ratio is determined by the strength of the aerial signal and also by the amount of noise produced in the first stage of receiver. 信噪比取决于天线信号的强弱,也取决于接收机第一级噪声的大小。(补充省略的动词) 3.增词法 科技英语翻译基本技巧 [例10] If you know the frequency, you can find the wavelength. 已知频率,就可求出波长。(代词you省略翻译) [例11] As we know,electrons revolve about the nucleus,or center,of an atom. 正如我们所知,电子围绕原子核旋转。(nucleus与center表同一意思,所以省略翻译) 4.省略法 翻译时,可省去冠词、代词、介词、连词或短语等 。 科技英语翻译基本技巧 [例12] Then came the development of the microcomputer. 后来,微型计算机发展起来了。 [例13] In fact,technical English does differ from everyday English,because of the specialized contexts in which it is used and because of the specialized interests of scientists and engineers. 事实上,由于科技英语用于专业文章中,加上科学家和工程技术人员对专业的兴趣,因此,科技英语与日常英语有所不同。 5.次序调整 注:表示条件、让步、原因、理由的状语从句或短语,尽管在英语中常常置于主句之后,但在译成汉语时,通常应置于主句之前。 科技英语翻译基本技巧 分析长句时可以采用下面的方法: (1)分清主次,找出全句的主语、谓语和宾语,从整体上把握句子的结构; 6.长句拆分翻译 (2)化整为零,找出句中所有的谓语结构、非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的引导词; (3)弄清关系,分析从句和短语的功能,以及它们之间的相互关系; (4)注意特殊情况,如从句套从句,并列成分的判断,分裂结构,插入语等。 科技英语翻译基本技巧 [例14] The progress made in recent years both at home and abroad in the development of apparatus capable of generating ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic waves whose wave length is a few centimeters has opened up a wholly new field of research in which for the first time the dimensions of ones apparatus are of the same order of magnitude as the wave length of the generated of received waves. 近年来,国内外已制成能产生波长仅有数厘米的超高频电磁波的仪器。这一发展开辟了一个全新的研究领域,使仪器的尺寸第一次与它产生或接收的电磁波的波长处于同一个数量级。 本句中progress做主语,谓语是open up,宾语是field。 Text Tour A new technology for transmission of data over untwisted or twisted pair cable for distances up to 4000 m will displace ISDN. The technology uses existing telephone subscriber lines in a manner similar to ISDN. Although the telephone voice chann


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