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As can be seen in Fig. ?Fig.4D,4D, the level of ergosterol decreased by 41% between early- (6 h) and intermediate (12 h)-phase biofilms (Fig. ?(Fig.4D;4D; P 0.001). Moreover, ergosterol level was reduced by 50% at mature phase, compared to that for early-phase biofilms (Fig. ?(Fig.4D;4D; P 0.001). 生物被膜与浮游白念珠菌麦角固醇水平在6h时相同,生物膜成熟期减少50%,而浮游细胞在6~12h减少18%,其他固醇水平在两者之间也有明显差异 表明生物膜固醇结合物在与唑类相关的生物膜耐药性的中晚期起重要作用 It is possible that there exists a threshold level of ergosterol that contributes to resistance. Changes in sterol profile may lead to altered membrane permeability and hence prevent or retard the entry of antifungal agents into candidal cells. Altered sterol levels can also influence fluconazole resistance indirectly i.e., mediated by a cell wall protein or lipid. Figure 1. Schematic of C. albicans biofilm development over time. Attachment: pioneering yeast cells adhere to a substrate, such as a polystyrene plate, an implanted medical device, or a host surface. Initiation: biofilm development begins with cell-cell adhesion and proliferation. Maturation: hyphal cells form and the biofilm is encased in a secreted, extracellular matrix. Dispersal: cells bud off of the biofilm and are dispersed to seed new locations. limited drug penetration into the biofilm matrix, including binding of drug to EPS-related beta-glucan; reduced growth in the setting of limited nutrients and amino acid starvation; increased early expression of antifungal resistance genes, particularly those encoding azole efflux pumps; and the presence of a drug-resistant subpopulation of “persister” cells (19–21). 生物被膜耐药机制: (1) 细胞外基质多聚体材料阻止药物渗透入深部组织; (2) 营养和生长速度限制,细胞表面组成发生改变,使抗菌剂敏感性下降; (3) 药物与生物被膜接触时诱导表达出耐药基因 三种机制共同作用 与浮游念珠菌比较,生物被膜念珠菌对氟康唑耐药性高达1000倍 C. albicans cells in biofilms are up to 1,000-fold more resistant to fluconazole than planktonic cells XTT作为线粒体脱氢酶的作用底物,被活细胞还原成水溶性的橙黄色甲臢产物。当XTT与电子偶合剂(例如PMS)联合应用时,其所产生的水溶性的甲臢产物的吸光度与活细胞的数量成正比。 氟康唑在生物被膜和浮游念珠菌中的药物浓度分布 由于存在生物被膜,氟康唑不仅与念珠菌细胞壁结合,细胞外基质中存在氟康唑。浮游念


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